Oh no......

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At Lunch -

Tsukashi, Tsubasa, Hikaru, Kyoya, Ryuga, Yu, Satomi and Irene are having a conversation at their table.

Tsukashi : So, how's the video? * Ask Tsubasa*

Tsubasa : *chokes a little* I really don't want to talk about it....

Ryuga : Glad that was over

Kyoya : Ya think?

Yu : Tsubasa!

Tsubasa : Oh right! Yu, I can explain-

Yu : Even if it was a dare, do you seriously need to punch me that hard?

Tsubasa : Really? Sorry, my bad. Wait.....you knew!?

Yu : Duh, I ain't dumb to fall for the same lame-o trick. Plus, dark Tsu comfirm me just now.

Irene : He litsens to you?

Yu : Nah, I bribe him............with a few prank tools...

Satomi & Tsubaa : You did what?!

At another dinning table, laughter and screams can be heard. Dark Tsu was running around with Fummin-chan along with Blade. He had a few rolls of tissue which he use to wrap Doji and other bad guys into mummys and draw random stuff on them with Sharpies , Fummin-chan had a huge bag water balloons and is throwing at everyone around her except the two. while Blade had......A FREAKING FRYING PAN AND A FEW DAGGERS and lets not say how is she's using'em.

Satomi : You gotta be kidding! where, why and how in the world are frying pans and daggers prank tools?!

Yu : I only give them the tissue rolls, Sharpies and water balloons!.....and the frying pan but not the dagggers!

Irene : Someone has to do somethin- *gets hit by a water balloon* F***!!

The rest at the table: *surprise*

Hikaru : So you can swear...

Tsukashi : Yu, Tsubasa, Hikaru. Don't you three had element powers? Can't any of you use them somehow?

Tsubasa : We're not actually allowed to use our powers indoors or to be completely honest, we're not allowed to use our powers during this whole show

Satomi : You do realize, we have a killing machine, a no-mercy prankster and YOUR dark self on a very harmful prank rampage

Tsubasa : Point taken

Hikaru : I'm water, so out of the question..

Tsubasa : I guess it's just me and you. *looks at Yu*

Ryuga : Leave Dark eagle boy to me. * Floats away to Dark Tsu*

Hikaru : How-

Kyoya : He said he's in a spirit's body so I guess he also had spirit's abilities.

Hikaru : KYOYA! DUCK!

Kyoya : What?! Where?!

Hikaru : No! DUCK!!!

A dagger missed Kyoya's head and was flying towards Satomi's face but was cought by Irene just in time.

Tsukashi : That....was too close

Irene : Mmmhhh *keeps dagger*

They quickly made their way to the exit while dodging daggers, water balloons and bullets......Wait, BULLETS??!!

Kyoya : What the hell!?

It turns out Blade ran out of daggers and use a gun instead and she has a hell lot of guns strap around her body.

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