Pokebey Showcase!!!

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(A/N : I'm just saying that this part is all about the performance, so if you're not interested, you don't have to read this part. This going to soound like a bit more of a cross-over, I'm going to keep updating this part from time to time, so please bear with me and be patient)

After the break, everyone on the Pokebey performing dare taker list went to Yukaina's Pokémon storage.

Yukaina : All of you can only pick not more than 3 Pokémon, and those without beys will follow me after this to get yourselves one.

Madoka : I'll take Fennekin and Snivy

Hikaru : Vaporeon, Oshawott and Piplup

Akairu : Blaziken and Pancham

Selen : Chespin, Bulbasaur and Fletchling

Yuka : Emolga, Dedene and Eevee please!

Tsukashi : A Vivillon

Yukaina : Only one?...

Tsukashi : *nods*

Blade : Lucario, Zoroa and serperior

Irene : Please give me a Sylveon, Floette and Meloetta

Diance : I'll take .....this Pokémon that has the same name as me and Gardevoir

Fummin-chan : Empoleon, Samurott, swampert

Satomi : Articuno, Zapdos, Moltress

Yu : Pikachu, Shaymin and Noivern!

Tsubasa : Braviary and Purrloin. Oh, can Dark side perform with me?

Yukaina : Fine, but only because he is you

Tithi : Latias and Latios please!

Dynamis : Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf

Yuki : Ampharos and Gothorita

King : A male and female Meowstic plus a Gallade

Kenta : Mew and Espurr

Masamune : Hawlucha and Keldeo

King : Why are you here?

Masamune : I'm 15

Yukaina : Oh, I thought you were a kinda short 16

Masamune : Thank you for the insult

Timeskip to showtime-

Everyone was quite surprise to see an actual stage room in Yukaina's mannor. They took their seats and waited for the snow to begin. A few minutes later, Yukaina appear on the stage. She was wearing a beautiful blue dress (blue dress C) and her hair is in a crown bun.

Yukain : Welcome everyone to my Beyblade Truth or Dare Pokebey Showcase! Let's give it up for our first performer, Madoka!

Madoka appears onstage, she's wearing a fancy pink dress (Pink dress B)with white boots and a Ribbon taking her glasses place. A rather familiar bey is spinning beside her and her Pokémon. There's also a key-like pin strap to the lower part of her dress, it was in the shape of a heart with a honey yellow heart gem. .

Ginka : Whoa....*Blush* But isn't that ......PEGESUS!?

Benkei : B-b-bull Ginka! you're right!

Music plays and she began dancing, her Pokémons dancing along with her.

Madoka : Snivy vine whip!

Snicy use vine whip and wrap its vine around her left arm. She pull the vine sending Snivy flying into the air.

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