All Hell break loose!!!

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The bladers are eating breakfast as usual, Yukaina came in with the real Akairu and a few more girls.

Yukaina : Everyone listen up!

Ryuga : What do you want now?!

Akairu : Remember when we had a special guest yesterday? well, we have a few more for today, since today is the last day you'll be here.

The bladers : *Groans*

Yukaina : Introduce yourselves girls

Fummin-Chan : You already know me~

The bladers : =_=

Diance : *smiles* Me too

Dynamis : S-sister?!

Diance : Sorry brother but even the will of the heavens can't prevent this

Dynamis : :(

Satomi (Cherry Perry) : I'm Satomi Kishatu!

Irene (Sakura-Chan): I'm Irene Senrose, but you can call me Irene *bows*

The bladers : ' so polite.....'

Blade ( Black Rose is yours truly) : Yo, the name's blade!

The bladers : ......

Yuka : HIIII!!! I'm Yuka Tendo! Hey Yu!!! I miss chu!

Yu : Y-Yuka!? *Hugs her* I miss you too!

Tsubasa : Who is she Yu? *Curious*

Yu : Yuka is my twin sister

The bladers except Yu : YOUR TWIN?!

Yukaina : Get to that later, who's next?

Tsukashi : Me! I'm Tsukashi Otori, Tsubasa's cousin.

Tsubasa : What are you doing here?!

Tsukashi : 1) To see you suffer 2) Cuz you rarely visit me 3) To meet your Boyfriend

Akairu : They will be all the special guest....for now. All of them are the one that's giving all of you truths and dares since day one.

The bladers : WHAT?! THERE'S MORE?!

Kyoya : We get the point some of their names are familiar but Yu's twin, Dynamis's sister and Tsubasa's cousin?

Tsukashi : I'm the one who request the pocky game

Yuka : Me with the cliff jumping thing

Nile : *glares at her, but got hit with a sledge hammer* WHO DID THAT?!!

Dark Tsu : *whistle while hiding the sledge hammer behind his back*

Yu : *high five with dark Tsu*

Yukaina : They'll be giving all of you dares and truths today and be dared by the viewers. Including me and Akairu and a few more will arrive shortly cuz the more the merrier they say!

Akairu : The first dare that all of you need to know is....

Irene : All bladers and ex blader had to act like their opposite self when the show starts until lunch.

Ryuga : F***! Again?!

Fummin- chan : Do we have to?

Irene : Except Yukaina, you, Satomi and myself.

Kyoya : Why does Yukaina got excuse?!

Blade : And why I'm not excuse! I'm not even a blader!

Yukaina : Because she said so!

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