New Vic-I mean contestants!!

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Unlike yesterday, all the bladers woke up early all by themselves, due to not wanting to endure the same 'wake-up call' again. Now they're having breakfast in the dinning hall.

Ginka : yum, this hamburger taste soo good!

Masamune : you eat hamburger for Breakfast?

Ginka: I didn't get to it for lunch or dinner yesterday!

Yu : hey! where's my breakfast?

Dark Tsubasa: look I'm just doing this cuz of yesterday's dare, here * gives Yu a bowl of cereal with milk*

Yu : But I want ice cream!

Tsubasa : Yu Tendo, you are not having ice cream for breakfast, and that's final!

Yu : Try and make me eat this!

But before Dark Tsubasa could do anything. The real Taubasa graps the spoon and starts to feed him

Yu: *pout and eats*

Tsubasa : *smirks in victory*

Madoka : Aww.. you two make perfect siblings

Timeskip to showtime!

Yukaina : I heard commotion from the dinning hall just now, what's the fuss is about?

Kyoya : Notthing, just Yu doesn't want to eat his breakfast

Yukaina : Oh, Okay everyone welcome back to Beyblade Truth or Dare! Today we have more victi- contestants, joining us lets welcome Nile, Demure, And Team Excalibur!

Six figures enter the room with nervous faces.

Yukaina : So....*grabs Nile* How are you feeling today Nile? Anything to say to our friends at home?

Nile : I felt like I'm about to face Hell

Yukaina : Terrific! Atta boy! Now go on take a seat

He sits next to Kyoya.

Yukaina : Alas, still no one is giving me anything.....So get ready for mine~

Since we did only dares yesterday so I thought we do truths today.

Ryuga : Hooray *sarcasticly*

Yukaina : We're gonna follow yesterday's order so Yu, pls step in the truth machine, its the one with the green door.

Yu : *goes in*

Yukaina : Unlike dares, if you lie you'll get shock by a 100,000 volt electricity shock. So here's your question: Name you're top three favourite male blader.

Yu : Um... let's see.... first is Tsubasa.....

Tsubasa : Really? I'm flattered

Yu : second is Ginky....

Ginka : I'm a one of your favourite?

Yu : Third is....Kyo-yo!

Kyoya : Don'

A green light appears on the machine.

Yukaina : It looks like you're telling the truth, Next is Tsubasa then Hikaru.

Tsubasa : *steps in*

Yukaina : What is your opinion of Yu?

Tsubasa : hmm...he's really hyper and annoying sometimes, He's also smart and a strong blader. I had to admit, his cute face, bubbly attitude and funny acts never fails tomakes me smile, I wouldn't know what would I do if he wasn't there to always cheer me up. I'll be lost if I lost Yu, He means everything to me.

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