Whoa.... just whoa...

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The morning start out fine as the usual passing days, though a certain blader didn't look so happy. Yu was in a horrible mess, his hair was messier than usual and his eyes are a bit red and teary, anyone who sees him would probably think he bailed his eye out all night.......which is basically what he just did. He enters the dinning hall and earn a lot of concern looks from everyone.

Kenta: Oh my gosh, Yu what in the world happen to you?!

Madoka: You're eyes are red, have you been crying?

Yu : * nods*

Tithi : Oh Yu...what happened?

Just then, Tsubasa came in followed by his dark side, as soon as he laids eyes on Yu, He goes straight to him.

Tsubasa : My goodness, Yu what's going on? *hugs him*

Ginka: ' what's going on?!' You're what's going on!

Tsubasa: What?

Masamune : Don't pretend Tsubasa! You totally ditch Yu yesterday!

Realization hits him, hard. He had a guilty look on his face.

Yu : *starts to cry, again* W-why do you h-hate me? did I did s-something horrible?

Tsubasa: No Yu, I'll never hate you its just that....................

Dark Tsubasa: It was a dare

All: * eyes on dark Tsubasa*

Kenta: A dare?

Dark Tsubasa: Yup, one of the viewers gave him a dare that he has to hate Yu for a whole episode without anybody knowing it was a dare but me since I am him and I was dare when he got his dare.

Yu: Is it true? it was just a stupid dare? (A/ N: Again, I am so sorry)

Tsubasa: Of course, there's no way I'll hate you. Besides, you're too cute to hate even in your teen body, You are still so cute.

Yu:* Bush, wipes tears*

Tsubasa: Come on let's get you clean up for the show

Yu: Okie dokie! *smiles*

Tithi: That's the Yu I know

Timeskip to showtime-

Yukaina: Welcome back bladers! We better get started cuz, I just receive a hell lot of dares and truths today.

She picks a pile of cards and put it on her desk. The bladers had a look of horror seeing so many cards.

Ryuga: I'm starting to think this is a torturing people for fun show.

Yukaina : This show has always been that way Ryuga, anyways Truths or dares first?

Nobody respond

Yukaina: Okay then, we'll start with truths since dares will be much fresher in everyone's mind when it's done last

Everyone else: *groans*

Yukaina: first is for Kyoya! Machine now lion boy!

Kyoya: Tch *goes in*

Yukaina: Okay, Fummin chan ask you, are you a boy or a girl? *laughs a little*

Kyoya: A boy duh! what kind of question is that?!*green light*

Yukaina: People just want to know things, so Tsubasa...! get in!

Tsubasa:* kyoya gets out, he gets in*

Yukaina: Same person, same question. I wouldn't question this one since, I myself thought that you were a different gender at first .

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