Special Episode!!- Yu's birthday!!!

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Since today was a very special day for somebody, Yukaina had woke up a few certain bladers to help her with a special surprise.

Ginka : *yawns* Yukainaaa.. Why did you wake us up so early....I'm soo sleepy

Kyoya : Tch, you better had a good reason for this.

Yukaina : Quiet! You might wake up the others

Yukaina led them to a what seems to look like a party room. The bladers are Ginka, Madoka, Kyoya, Hikaru, Tsubasa, dark Tsubasa, Nile, Masamune, Ryuga, Wales and Sophie.

Masamune : This is sure some party room, but why again?

Tsubasa : Oh, I get it now. *turns to Yukaina* Yu?

Yukaina : Yep, so I wake all of you up to help me decorate!

Ryuga : Don't you have servants?

Yukaina : But for this one time, I thought maybe do things by ourselves

Nile : Let's get this over with...

Yukaina : Okay, here is the list..

Cake : The girls, anyone who can cook

games : The boys

Party snacks : Anyone who can cook

Decorations : Everyone

So.. did all of you get that?

Them : yes

Yukaina : Now, Lets get to work party planners!

With the cake girls-

Madoka : So what cake should we bake?

Hikaru : I don't know...

Sophie: Vanilla?

Dark Tsubasa & Yukaina : * Faceplam* Isn't it obvious? He likes chocolate cake

The three : Oh right

Hikaru : So we're making chocolate cake? easy enough

Madoka : I can't help but feel there's something we ahould make to make it more..... special

Dark Tsubasa : You could make a chocolate ice cream cake, Yu would really love that

Madoka : Yes, that's it! an ice cream cake! we'll get to it right away!

The three girls strats to go around the kitchen taking ingredients from almost everwhere.

Dark Tsubasa : Let's go check the others

Yukaina : Cake, check! Let's go!

With the game boys-

Ginka : Definitely got to have bey battles!

Wales : Well there has to be some other games

Masamune : Pin the tail on the pony?

Ginka & wales :................

wales : How bout a pinata?

Ginka : Hey that sounds awesome!

Masamune : We just need two more......

Yukaina : So boys how is it going?

Ginka : We just need two more game....any ideas?

Dark Tsubasa : I remember Tsubasa playing this weird game when you have to lean down a stick its called lindo or something...

Masamune : Limbo! That'll be fun

Wales : Now one more.....

Yukaina : karaoke?

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