Love is in the air....... or not

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The previous day was really eventful, so the bladers are sleeping soundly of exhaustion. Too bad for them, they just had to wake up.

Yukaina : *Mic* Bladers wake up!

* Didn't move a muscle*

Yukaina : *take a deep breath* RISE AND SHINE, AND GET THE F*** UP ALL OF YOU LAZY ASS SLEEPING BEAUTYS!!!!!!!

*Everyone jolt up of beds *

Tithi : Aaaahhhhhhhh!!!

Ryuga : Don't f****** scare me like that!!

At breakfast-

Tithi: That was really scary just now...

Nile : That's exactly why we try to avoid waking up late

Yu : You'll get use to it, by the way where's Tsubasa? its not really like him to be late...

Tsubasa came in shortly, looking rather pissed. Behind him was dark Tsubasa following him and is smirking.

Yu : Good morning Tsubasa! * Pat the empty seat next to him*

Tsubasa : *looks at Yu and turn away, looking ' annoyed' *

Ginka : What's with him? * to Masamune*

Masamune : How was I suppose to know?!

Yu : *looks sad, and picks his food * Does he hate me now?...* almost cries*

Kenta : I don't think so, he said it himself he loves you no matter what. Probably got into a fight with dark Tsubasa or something..

Yu : Yeah I guess You're right...* stills sad*

With the Tsubasas-

Tsubasa : 'I can't believe I actually going with this, I'm so sorry Yu ' *clenches fist*

Dark Tsubasa : Daaww, is our Tsubasa mad that he has to do a dare without letting people know its a dare? Especially since it hurts his loved one's feelings

Tsubasa : Shut.The.Fuck.Up!

Flashback to a few minutes ago-

Yukaina : Tsubasa, and oh you have dark Tsu with you

Tsubasa : What is it now Yukaina?

Yukaina : I have a dare from the veiwers that you need to know and start now.

Dark Tsubasa: This should be good

Tsubasa : Let's just get this over with

Yukaina : Its a dare from Cherry Perry, She wants you to pretend to hate Yu for the whole episode, also you can't tell anyone about your dare especially Yu but your dark side is here and all so yeah anyone but him

Tsubasa : WHAT?! NO! There's no way I'm doing that dare!!

Yukaina : Any last words to earth eagle?

Dark Tsubasa: Do it, I ain't risking my-

Tsubasa : Our

Dark Tsubasa : *annoyed* I ain't risking our bey just because you don't wanna do a dare

Tsubasa : Please Yukaina, you can't be serious!

Yukaina : Trust me, when I say I hate this dare as much as you do but once I read it there's no turning back, you gotta do it or eagle gets what coming. ( A/N : I didn't mean it at all!! I'm just writing it this way to fit the story, totally appreciate your dare!! So very sorry if it hurt your feelings)

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