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Yukaina: So here I am with Akairu again in Beyblade Truth or Dare. So Bladers get your horror faces on cause we got a few dares today and they are so embarrassing and painful.

Akairu: But, before that another request is receive from the viewers, all of us had to do this even me and Yukaina, no backing out.

Ginka: What it is?

Akairu: Its...*reads,blush*........um..........you tell them! *shove the paper in front of Yukaina's face*

Yukaina: It can't b-....*reads,blush* oh, its bad.

Ryuga: what is it?

Yukaina: All of us have to play Pocky, so grab a partner everyone.

Everyone quickly grabs a partner,

Hikaru, Akairu (Kyoya was totally piss)

Ginka, Madoka

Wales, Sophie

Kenta, Tithi

Tsubasa, Yu

Chou xing, Mei-Mei

Dang shan, Chun li

Aguma, Benkei

Aleksei, Lera

Toby, Zeo

Masamune, King

Nile, Kyoya

Klaus, Julian

Ryuga, Ryuto (I don't even know why XD )

Demure, Yuki

Hyoma, Dark Tsubasa

Dynamis: Wait, I don't have a partner

Yukaina: Um....me too......* blush*

Everyone else: Ooooooooohhhhhhh~

Kyoya: Hmmm, looks like Dynamis is gonna get a girlfriend today

Dynamis: *Blush* N-Nonsense! Let's just d-do this

Every pair gets a Pocky and start munching. Madoka and Ginka were first to finish but decided to make out, same thing for other lover pairs that are together. The Hasama twins accidently kiss each other before pulling away with an 'eeeeewwww' and 'grosssss' same goes for a few other pairs Ryuga broke the stick when he and his brother were halfway. Hyoma and Dark Tsubasa pull away as soon as the both of them take the first bite. Yu and Tsubasa on the other hand was different than the others, Yu took the candy before they even start and eats it in one bite, then he proceed to his make out session with Tsubasa. Last and finally Dynamis and Yukaina, both biting really slow as their face inches closer to each other until their lips met. Both wanted to pull away but their mouths seems to have a mind of its own. After a full 30 seconds they finally pull away blushing really hard and staring into each other's eyes.

Akairu: Ahem * smirks* Yukaina, I hate to disturb your moment with the love of your life but we had a show to host

Both: *blush*

Yukaina: W-what No! Th-There's nothing b-between us! *blush madly*

Dynamis : *kept his face down*

Akairu: Yeah sure~ There's nothing between you two, and me and Hikaru just committed Twincest *sarcastically* Let's just do the dares already

Yukaina: Right, first is from Sakura-Chan, Yu needs to cosplay as Honey from Aura Highschool Host club. Glace! costumes

Glace : Yes, my lady. please follow me Mr.Tendo

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