WTF Yu?!!??

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Today as usual, the bladers woke up by themselves and had breakfast. Although three of them isn't there yet.

Ginka : Where's Yu, Kenta and Hikaru?

Yukaina : dunno.

Masamune : *choke* WHEN DID YOU GET HERE?!

Yukaina : About a minute ago, why, can't a host hang out with the show's contestants before the showtime? Opps! We're doing backstage now so yup.

Kyoya : You're doing backstages now? Just wonderful! *sarcastic*

Then, the door open revealing the three missing bladers and ex-blader.

Tsubasa : Yu, why are you late?

Yu : Because hippity-hop won't let me leave my room until I tidy everything up!

Kenta : Why is your room so messy anyway? And where did you get the stuff animals and wrapping papers?

Yu : I don't really know, every time I go to my room after the show, there's at least 5 presents on my bed, so yeah!

Ginka : You get presents too?

Madoka : What's with all these presents anyway?

Yukaina : They're all from the viewers, it's one of the perks being popular, cuz people adore you guys so much they give presents for no actual reason.

Ryuga : Why didn't I get any?

Yukaina : Well, that's how do I explain this..... you're like 18 so fans doesn't even know what to get you.....yea, something like that....

Kyoya : Why does Yu gets a lot?

Yukaina : Because he's everyone's favourite! He is so adorable and smart nobody can resists him!

Nile : That is too obvious

Yukaina : who else gets presents?

Ginka, Tsubasa, Dark Tsubasa, Kyoya and Nile raise their hands.

Yukaina : Duh, saw that miles away

Timeskip to Le showtime

Yukaina : Sup! Its Beyblade Truth or Dare! and let us begin with the dare from the viewers . This one is from a close friend of mine, It says here that Julian had to stand in front of a mirror and said ' I love you' to his reflection and kiss it.

Ryuga : That's dumb

Yukaina : That's the point

Julian: *goes to a mirror* I love you~ * kiss*

Everyone else : *uncontrollable laughter*

Klaus : That was the stupidest thing he ever did

Yukaina : You got that right! That was the only thing I got so here comes my dare. Every male bladers except Klaus, Dark Tsubasa and Kenta, are going to do a little race. Now go to the lawn

Ryuga : Why they get excuse for this!?

Yukaina : Shut up and let me explain, later I'm gonna set free a racing horse on the lawn. All you guys had to do is pass that horse to win. The first three to pass it will be safe from the punishment, which is a hit with a hockey stick from Dark Tsubasa.

Dark Tsubasa: *smirks* This should be good

Yukaina : Now off you all go!

They went to the lawn at the back of the huge manor, all of them took their places behind the line. Suddenly, a white horse came out running and a gunshot was heard. All of them, quickly dash off. About 2 minutes of running, everyone was surprised by the fact that Yu was an inch from the horse and they were meters away.

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