She's Back...

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   I decide to walk to school then take the bus. I liked to take walks. Quiet, peaceful, walks, so I could think clearly, I was thinking about Serena, Arceus, I love that girl...
   I wish I told her how I felt sooner, now who knows when I'll be able to see her again...
   I had let Hawlucha and Pikachu out before I left the house, and they saw the troubled look on my face.
   "Haw? Hawlucha?"(Hey Ash, are you okay?), "Pika! Pikachu!"(yeah! What's up with you?"). I blinked a couple times before giving in, I told them I was thinking about Serena and how I missed her.
   They seemed to relate to this unsurprisingly, who wouldn't love Serena?
   I finally got to school and went over to my group of friends, and then noticed a familiar girl standing with them, chatting with the girls.
   I immediately knew who it was and started to form a tear in my eye...
   I ran up to Serena and gave her a hug from behind, I couldn't contain myself, I missed her so damn much!
   "Agh! Who-ASH!", she quickly turned around and returned the hug, I hope she missed me too! "ASH! ITS REALLY YOU! I've missed you so fucking much Ash!" She started to form tears on her eyes, "IM SO GLAD YOUR HERE!" She said giving me another hug, in which I quickly returned. "Hey don't cry, what's the matter?", I asked, densely...
   "They're tears of joy Ash! I'm so glad to see you again!" The honey-blond girl said.
   By now, the girls left the two to catch up, and the boys were snickering but the two ignored everything around them.
   "I can't believe your here, just this morning I was thinking about you, a-and how m-much I-I m-missed y-y-you...", I managed to say.
   She smiled and said, "Me too Ash! Wow what a coincidence we ended up in the same school! Let's check if we have the same classes."   
   Fortunately, we had every class together expect for Gym and Biology. I was so happy, I could be with Serena all day every day!
   I noticed someone tap my shoulder, bringing me out of my thoughts, "Hey Ash, I never did get your phone number, can I get it now--because--I mean--In case-", I stopped her there, "Of coarse here let's exchange, she typed hers into mine as I did to hers. She was blushing... I wonder why...
   "Hawlucha, return please!", I said, and Serena recalled both her Pokémon too because they seemed a bit tired at the moment. "Panchem, Fenneken, return and get some rest."
   We walked to class, so this was my schedule:
•Algebra 1
• Lunch
•Pokémon Battling
    And Serena's is the same, except she has Biology when I have Gym and Vise Versa.
   We parted ways to head to class and after Gym I went over to History.
   I saw Serena and ran over to her. "Hey Serena! How was Biology?"
   She smiled when she saw me, and said,"It was okay, I'm not really a fan of Biology but it wasn't that bad."
    I smiled widely and she giggled, "Why are you laughing?", I asked, confused of why she was giggling...
    " 'Cuz your a goof! Your smile always makes me happy, and it makes me laugh sometimes too!"
   She giggled again, but this time, at my dumbfounded face. "Alright,", I smiled, "I'm glad I make you happy, but we're at History already, do you want to sit next to me?", I asked, hopefully she said yes, I always want to be around her, it's like she has this aura of when someone is around her, they can't help but smile or feel happy!
   I really need to confess to her before someone else does...
    We sat down in History, and across our desks was Misty and Gary, their desks were facing ours, connected, the desks were set up like groups. I guess we'll be doing group projects maybe?
    "Oh yeah, I haven't introduced you guys to Serena, Serena this is Gary Oak, he used to be my rival when we were kids but now we're best friends!", she giggled at the thought of our rivalry,"And this is Misty Waterflower, one of Cerulean City's Gym leaders, her sisters run it too. She was my first companion on my Pokémon Journey, when we were kids, but she only tagged along at first cause I destroyed her bike...long story..." I swear dropped while everyone else laughed.
   "You still owe me that bike!" Misty said with an angry tone in her voice.
   "ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT! Please don't hit me!" She growled and sat back down.
   Misty and I sweat dropped while Serena and Gary laughed.
   "Well anyways, this is Serena Yvonne, she was my favorite and last female offense Misty but you always hit me..."(A/N: I hate Alola so I'm not putting it in the story!) We all laughed at the thought, 'till Gary handed me a note, I read it from under the table.
   'Do you like Serena?'

   I blushed intensely...and quickly nodded my head, careful that neither Misty nor Serena were looking.
   All Gary did was smirked, "I'll help you out Ashy-Boy. I'm great at this kind of stuff!" I sweat dropped, your record for a relationship was 2 months... I wanna stay with her forever...", I whispered.
   "I guess..." he pouted and slouched in his seat.
    History went by pretty quickly, all we did was take notes on legendary Pokémon and some that went extinct or that are really old.

   A/N: Alright, we got in 980 words! I think I'm done for this chapter, please comment on ideas or errors I made! Also please vote and recommend to others! Thanks!

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