Opening a New Door for Bum

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I woke up to a cold chill... it's becoming fall, the wind has gotten brisk and cool, causing the temperature to drop, of course. Today is Saturday, I should text Bum...but Ash first, he needs to be apart of this decision too! I grab my phone and start dialing- wait I haven't even had breakfast yet! I should eat and then invite him over to talk.

I went downstairs and my mom was already cooking bacon, eggs, and biscuits! I helped her finish up cooking and we sat down to eat. "Owa...Mom you always make great food! I'll never get over it! You should teach me more recipes, I only know a few. Maybe I could surprise Ash with something, since he loves to eat anyways!" My Mom giggled and nodded, "Of course, sweetheart! I'll show you how to bake a lava cake, it's a really good desert! The second you dig in chocolate comes pouring out!!"

Jeez, I was already drooling just at the thought of it all! I finished up eating, cleaned up and head upstairs again to invite Ash over. I let out my Pokémon downstairs to eat so I could be with Ash alone. This was a serious matter!

I dialed...ring, ring, he picked up! "Ash-"
"Serena! I was just about to call you, should I come over to talk about you know what?" I don't know why but I felt stupid and amazed at the same time, "Sure, I actually called you concerning that! Haha! Great minds think alike?"

It's as if I could FEEL Pikachu's glare at me, that kind of stare with the "You're kidding, right?" face! I hung up since Ash was already on his way and waited for him.

Ding Dong

Ah! That must be him! Mom let him in and he came upstairs while quickly fixed up my hair...WAIT- IM STILL IN PAJAMAS?!?! SHOOT SHOOT AH QUIZNAK NOW WHAT?!

I tried changing really quick, throwing off my top and looking for a shirt- Ash walked in...

"KYAAA GET OUT GET OUT!!" All I saw was him blushing before I threw my pillow at him and he quickly closed the door.


OMG OMG THAT WAS SO EMBARRASSING WHY IS IT ALWAYS MEEEE. At least Pikachu didn't see, he stayed downstairs for a SECOND breakfast with the others...where does he get that appetite from??? "You can come in now Ash..." I walked inside and Serena was blushing, I bet I was too, my face felt hot...

She looks so cute, she's wearing an oversized t-shirt with short shorts...GAH ITS TOO CUTE!! I put my jacket on her front to cover her up a bit, "Here, cover up a bit, I feel like I'll explode if I see you in that too long..."

She smiled at me with that cute smile of hers, "What a gentleman, thank you Ashy~. Now, let's get to work. Should we trust Bum and Sangwoo or just avoid them?"

I thought about this long and hard last night, "Well, I think we should be friends, they haven't really done anything too bad and I pity Yoon Bum for having to put up with Sangwoo..."

She nodded really cutely, aw there it goes again, now I really feel like my name is Tom Ato..."I agree Ash, we should give them a chance, it seems they just want friends who can shed light into their gloomy lives, I guess we're the ones for the job than?"

I nodded as she reached for her phone, "Here, I'll text Bum saying we accept his friendship, but this doesn't mean we can fully trust them yet though." I nodded again, jeez I'm starting to feel like an obedient puppy...

I pouted, "If Sangwoo tríes anything I'll make sure to break his jaw this time, tell that to Bum, I won't go easy!"

She nodded and typed in a bit more, "Aaaand sent! Alright, do you want to stay here for a bit and we can play some video games or watch a movie?" I nodded with excitement!

"Hehe, okay I'll put on COD WWII, if just came out and I've been wanting to play it with you!" Oma, could y'all think of a better girlfriend than the girl standing- aaaah BENDING DOWN RIGHT HERE IM TOM ATO AGAIN...

After a while of playing and raging, Serena looked up at me, "Ashy I'm a little hungry wanna eat something? I can bring up some snacks!" We were both sitting on the floor, cris-cross, but she was right in front of me, in-between my legs. THIS IS WHAT YOU CALL A CRISIS, FOOD OR SERENA... I hugged her around her waist, "Just sit here for a little longer, it feels nice and you smell as beautiful as you look." I kissed her neck and went up to her cheek and then her lips, her soft, pink, sweet lips. I kissed her softly, loving the calming feeling of her presence. "A-A-Ash, you're making me blush, I-I'll go get some snacks!"

And there she went, I love her so much, there's no such thing as being sick of Serena, I'll love her forever and always. I'll die for her, I'll kill for her. She means the world to me and i wouldn't have it any other way!


Don't you just love how Ash felt kinda Yandere ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) hehe OH WELL I WONDER WAT WILL HAPPEN LATERRR.

xXKawaiiXx4489 💕

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