an upsetting shower

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My eyes fluttered opened.  The dum lighting from the sun almost blinded me. I sat up rubbing my head and stretching my arms out letting out a groan. I turn my head to look at Karma who was still sound asleep. The way his hair fell between his eyes. Messy. He was a silent sleeper laying on his side with his arm on my lap.
I got up cautiously making sure I don't wake up Karma.
The carpet was soft but rough upon my feet. I walked to the bathroom mirror closing the curtain.
I looked in the mirror. My hair was a mess, I took a comb to my hair brushing it getting out the knots. I decided to take a shower, so I went into the room. Removing my pajamas.
I turned on the faucet letting the cold water hit my body gradually turning warmer. I ran my fingers through my hair spreading the shampoo all around my head, closing my eyes. Seeing that night. The kiss.

The thought of the kiss angered me so much...I banged my foot against the tile wall of the shower. I did it again not focusing on the pain, forgetting about my boyfriend sleeping in the other room.

I kicked the wall multiple times causing me to fall and lose my balance. My foot was bleeding badly.

The blood and the water mixed going down to the drain.

"That bastard! What does he want from Karma and I!" I continued kicking the wall screaming things.

Warm tears streamed down my face.

I brought my knees to my chest. Crying.

~Karma POV~

I was awoken by someone banging against the wall, in the shower.

I turn to where Nagisa was supposed to be. He wasnt there.

Thats when I heard loud yelling, then crying.

I rushed to the bathroom forgetting I was pantless and shirtless. "Nagisa! are you okay?" I opened the shower curtain to see..Nagisa...crying. Blood.

"Nagisa..." I picked him up carrying him to the bed. I grabbed a towel on our way. Wrapping it around him.

"Nagisa..its okay.." I brushed his blue hair out of his face slowly leaning in to kiss him.

"I know but..." I stopped Nagisa before he could finish his sentence with a kiss.

"Im going to wrap your foot now then ask Karasuma to let us stay in the room." I walked over to the cabinet getting out a roll of bandages. I wrapped it around Nagisa's foot. He seemed happy now.

"Karma. I love you" Nagisa pulled me into a kiss, he was okay thats all I cared about.

But he was naked only a towel covering him, damn it..its so tempting.

"I love you too." I kissed back fighting the urge to pounce.

I stood up walking to the door.

"I'll be back...also put on some pants" I winked laughing a little. Slowly closing the door.

Unbreakable love  (Karma x Nagisa)Where stories live. Discover now