First time flying

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~Nagisa POV~
Karma and I woke up extra early today. Still was a chore to get karma out of bed and to get him off me.
After eating and getting ready we went to get our stuff. We both agreed to take turns doing what we want.
We sat and waited for the bus to pick us up. Since koro sensi didn't want us to walk all the way up the mountain he got us a bus to drive us directly to an airport. I gotta admit though. I was sorta nervous. It's my first time on a plan, but I mean we've done a lot so this will be nothing. But we are going to be flying for a day. Sheesh..this is going to be a long flight.

Once the bus finally arrived Kurasuma opened the door. It was a fancy bus. Not a crappy school one. "just get in there's some room in the back for you two." Kurasuma pointed to the back. I let Karma go first, he held my hand and walked pulled me in. We walked together carrying our lugguge. We walked cautisouly so we wouldn't disturb anyone or step on anyone. Everyone was either sleeping, listening to music, playing on their phone, trying to kill koro-sensi or just reading. No one wanted to talk since it was so early. We sat in the back Karma let me sit at the window since he doesn't really want the window seat.

The bus ride was long almost two hours Karma fell asleep on our way there so he leaned upon my shoulder. He was kinda cute when he was sleeping. He's changed in a way since we started dating. Which I've explained. He really doesn't want to hurt anyone anymore. Just hold me. I made sure he slept well. So I gave him the blanket we packed and wrapped it around him since it was kinda cold. He slept peacefully.

While looking out the window I felt calm. I wasnt tired, I was more calm then anything. Everyone seemed calm too, the scenery was great too. Sure I lived in japan my whole life but it was still a scenic place.

As we got off the bus Karasuma told us that this is a government airport so weapons are allowed. He basically got us our own private plane. Everyone jumped and cheer. Koro-sensi continued dodging our attacks. "This will be a fun way to let loose and have fun!" Koro sensi cheered and walked over to the doors. "Everyone have their buddy?" Koro sensi looked around everyone held hands raising them. "great! We're ready to go!" Koro-sensi started to follow Karasuma who lead the way to the plane.

The inside of the building had lots of military people keeping guard to make sure Koro-sensi wouldn't do anything. Karma held my hand tightly just so I wont lose him or he wont lose me. I leaned my head upon his shoulder. "I love you" I smiled and looked at him. "I love you too" Karma responded kissing my head. Some of the girls Awed. So did Koro-sensi. Some of the boys laughed. I really wasnt expecting Karma to be so sweet. Everyone talked about their plans or just fun stuff. I couldnt wait to get there. The scenery, the history, the fun, and the food.
Karma held me close so I wouldn't get scared boarding the plane. Yes I was scared I will admit. But it's my first time on a plane.  We put our bags in the luggage cubbie thing. Karma and I brought earbuds a book.
I sat at my seat looking out the window, yes I'm still scared. Karma wrapped his arm around me. "Are you ready nagisa?" He whispered i smiled and kissed his cheek. "As long as you're here I'll be fine. Right?" Having his arm around me sorta calmed me in a way, he nodded placing his lips against mine. "Of course doll" he carresed my cheek then leaned back in his chair.
Adjusting myself so I could comfortably rest my head upon Karma's shoulder. "Alright kids! Ready to take off?" Koro sensi stood at the front of the plane. Everyone cheered. "Alright but first let me do a head count" he started mumbling our names and writing on the attendance sheet. Everyone started to talk again about how excited they were. "Alright! We're ready!" Koro sensi sat at his seat and waited for the plane to take off.
The count down was over within a blink of an eye. Before I could even start to believe what was happening we took off. We were in the air. Flying on our way to Florida. To Disney world. A whole another world, to us. The thought was such a surprise, even this deep into the school year. We've done so much. Yet knowing we were going somewhere new, me being in a relationship during this. Baffled me.
Karma put in one of the earbuds in my ear. "Here so you won't get bored" he put on a song. It was sweet really,  the song was nice too. It was something from one of his favorite bands.
The music and the feeling of flying started to soothe me. I yawned softly and adjusted myself starting to fall asleep.
~Karma POV~
I noticed that Nagisa fell asleep upon my shoulder. Fuck...he was adorable while sleeping. I could tell he was getting cold so I gave him the blanket we brought. It wasn't hard moving away since he's a heavy sleeper. He adjusted himself again to hold on to my arm. I kissed his head resting my head upon his, reading my book.

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