Morning kiss

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~Nagisa POV~

Waking Karma up is probably the most difficult part of my day, after trying to assassinate our teacher. I love Karma but he is a hassle, between trying to get him to stop teasing and waking him up for school.

"Kaaaaaaarrrrrmmaaaaaa!!! waaaaake uuuuup! we're going to be laaaaaaate!" I shook karma extending my words or yelling.

"Ugh. Five more minutes" Karma rolled over adjusting him self and pushing me off our bed, his voice when he's like this is so fucking hot. It was low and tired. I like it to be honest.

I got back on to the bed trying to think of ways to wake up Karma.

I looked at the sleeping red head, he was on his stomach.

I moved Karma on to his back and sat on top of him. I leaned to his mouth licking his lips, I was starting slow. I sat back up seeing of it woke him up.

Still out like a light.

I leaned down again kissing him. Not just a simple kiss, i licked his lips again and sorta i guess you can say massage his mouth with my tongue, I felt dominance for once. Though Karma is asleep and this can be considered rape. But hey I get something out of this.

I got lost in the kiss basically forgetting why I started kissing Karma. I was so lost in the kiss it started to get a little bit more heated.

I felt arms wrap around my waist bringing me closer to the kiss, and the lips I was kissing started to be in sync with mine.

Karma was awake but theres no way Im going to get him out of the bed now.

Karma flipped me fighting for dominance. He held wrists tight. He started sorta grinding on me. I forgot about school.

Karma started unbuttoning my shirt, thats when I remembered that we were going to be late. I placed my hands on Karma's chest pushing him up. A string of saliva shrinked has I pulled away.

"Thats enough for now get ready we have school" I said kissing his lips again.

"Oh come on we were just having fun. You cant leave me like that" Karma whined putting his fingers on my chin.

"I can and I will. Get ready. Koro sensi is going to kill us" I sat up lifting myself up with my elbows smiling lightly.

"fine but you know what's going to happen tonight" Karma got up and started getting dressed.

I sometimes wonder if I actually mean something to him.

Then I look at my hand seeing the ring that Karma has given me.

It was a gold band nothing specail is what most girls would say. But to me its the best present/surprise I was given.

I love Karma...more than anything.

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