What are we?

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I woke up from a sleepily gaze looking over to see Karma not laying next to me. I started to get scared, did he go some where with out telling me? Maybe he left a note. I stood up and walked around the room. Looking for Karma. I walked out the room. I was about to walk down the stairs when I heard the bathroom door open. I looked over to see Karma with white towel around his neck brushing his teeth. wearing the blue shirt he wore at the baseball game. "hey Nagisa!" Karma wave at me. I walked over to him "did you sleep well?" I ask looking up at him. He scruffs up my hair and smiles. "never slept better" He kisses my head and goes back into the bathroom. I blushed slightly, seeing Karma act like this was different from what I expected him to be like. But still kinda like the way I could see him.

I sat on his bed remembering what we did last night. What a crazy thing I did. But yet possibly the best thing I've done. I started to blush more and I fall back on to the bed covering my face. Last night was sorta a blur to me. But yet I still remember how his skin felt against mine. So warm and soft, his lustful eyes, his smile. Made me feel so...I don't know how to explain it. I knew it was bad but, I should've expected that after that stunt I pulled. Kissing Karma like that. I look over at the door waiting for Karma. What was I to him now? A boyfriend? A lover? or a friend he can call over when he's needy. The last thought made my heart sink. what if I really was that. Just a toy used like a doll.

The door opens and Karma walks in wearing the same outfit has before, the blue shirt and jeans. I walk over to him, kissing him on the cheek. He picks me up kissing me passionately on the lips. "I love you" he says breaking the kiss. I blushed a little more than I would normally do. "i love you too" I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck and pushing my forehead against his. He smiled and held me closer to him.

This answered my question I was his lover, the kiss was what proved it the way he held me to close his chest, it gave off such a warm tingly feeling, this must be what people talk about when they say "love is a warm feeling that you can't forget" well thats how i feel about Karma but he is more a craving that is endless. Even after a taste he draws you in more with his charm, his looks.

Karma put me back on the floor still holding me close. "hey we don't have school today. Wanna go out to the park out something?" he stroked my cheek gently, I smile "sure might be nice" I chuckle. "then get ready, we'll eat breakfast then head out, deal?" Karma moved his hand away from cheek and smirked. "deal!" I smiled and walked over to where my shirt was putting it back on. Karma walked downstairs to get breakfast ready.

I walked downstairs putting my hair in its twisty ties. I see Karma cooking some eggs and bacon. I set the plates on the counter and cups. I pour some orange juice into our cups, I look at Karma who was setting the eggs on one of the plates. He walked over to the table setting the plate gently upon it. "You ready to eat?" Karma asked setting his plant on the table. I set the orange juice and ustentils. "ready! " I sit at the table looking at Karma. I didn't expect him to be a cook. But he who knows they might taste good. I take a bite of the eggs. HOLY SHit they taste amazing. Karma can really cook!

I finished my breakfast around 8 Karma finished his around the same time. I put the dishes in the sink. "Im happy you enjoyed breakfast" Karma said wrapping his arms around my waist. I blushed turning my head to him. "get ready lover boy" I said turning around wrapping my arms around his neck. "I would but you're here" He kissed my neck making me jump a little. He wasn't doing this not even this early. "Kaaarmmmmaaaaa pleeeeaaaasseee its to early for this" I chuckle, Karma let go and smirked. "okay. but don't expect I won't do anything tonight" He walked off. "I'll be prepared" I chuckled.

Unbreakable love  (Karma x Nagisa)Where stories live. Discover now