getting ready

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-Nagisa POV-

Karma and I walk home together talking about what we think we shouldn't do at the field trip. "Hmm..don't loose each other" Karma insisted as he held my hand tighter. wHaT. I nodded smiling looking at karma. He looked over at me seeing that I was blushing. "Haven't I told you..? How fucking adorable you are when you blush!" Karma picked me up and spun around kissing me repeatedly I laughed so did he. Sure..he's twisted but. Look at how's he's changed since we've been together. He's been more caring, cautious, he still will shove s bottle in your throat. But that's only if he has to.

Karma set me down, he seemed scared to go to my aparement this time but he still stood tall. So confident but he does have a fear. A few fears. I only know of one. I will admit...Im scared of that too. I think you all know what it is...losing our love, our trust, what we have. He's afraid to lose us in general. Im scared of that too.

Our hands never let go of each other. The soft skin, warmth. Walking up the stairs we didnt let go. we stood at the door holding each other. I stood on my toes to kiss Karma. He held my waist closer to his. I wrapped my arms around his neck. Holding each other close. Breaking the connection he caresses my hair. "If she gets close to you. Please, scream. Give me the room you are in. I will be up there no matter the cause." Karma still holds me close petting my cheek, I put my nuzzle into his hand. "I will. I'm just getting a few clothes, I should be fine" I start to open the door, before entering I kiss his cheek.

I kept the door open and walked up to my room, silently. I saw mom sitting at the table looking down at her tea. I was able to walk past her she did get a glance at me but looked back down. I got my clothes and tooth brush. Along with a few other things. Putting them in my bag back and swung onto my shoulders. Once done I ran down the stairs and closed the door running into Karma's arms.

When we got home I helped Karma pack for the trip. We both agreed to go to bed early so we can make breakfast and get to school. We were both excited for this field trip. We established the costs of food, and merchandise. We had atleast $290+ for this trip. We tried to figure out how to get our weapons to the park.

With no luck finding out how to bring them to the park I decide to call Mr. Karasuma.


Nagisa: hey umm...Are we able to bring our weapons to the park? You know to help assassinate Koro-sensi

KaraSuma: I've already talked to the people helping pay for the trip they said it was okay. Has long has you keep them hidden in a way. That might be up to Karma though.

Nagisa: Okay got it. Thank you for helping. Sorry for bothering you so late. You must be busy.

Karasuma: You're welcome. Keep Karma out of trouble while we're there

Karasuma hung up the call. I set the phone down and walk over to Karma. "He said we can bring everything we just need to figure our way around it." I explained. Karma zipped is bag, turning to me. "I might have an idea." Karma walked over to me tossing the knife in the air. He caught it of course. Karma walked over to the basement.

-Karma POV-

I opened the door to the basement and walked down. Nagisa waited for me at the top. I walked over to a box.

"Karma's stuffed animals"

It read in big black ink. I pulled out two of them. One for me and one for Nagisa.

I walked up the stairs and threw Nagisa one of the stuffed animals. "Heads up" He caught it with ease. "Stuffed animals?" Nagisa questioned the bear I just threw to him, he looked at it for a bit. Realizing what I was going to be using them for. "Ahh I see now!" he looked at me and chuckled. Damn he's adorable like this.

We walked into the room and ripped off the stuffed animals head. Putting our knives in them. We added more fluff to them too, from another stuffed animal to hide the knife more. "Hey Nagi can you sew the heads back together?" He nodded, walking down the stairs and holding the stuffed animals with their heads.

After 20 minutes Nagisa came back up with the stuffed animals. He even cleaned them. Made them look brand new. "No one will expect a thing. You're pretty good at this Nagi" I patted his head then kissed his forehead. "Thank you. Now lets get ready for bed" Nagisa put the stuffed animals in the bags. Then sat on the edge of the bed waiting for me.

Once we out on our pajamas we laid in bed cuddling. "Good night Nagi~" I kissed his head. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me slowly drifting off.  "Goodnight Karma~"

*the next chapter is probably going to take a while to come out since I don't have internet at the moment*

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