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~Karma POV~

The room was dark, unable to breathe. I was breathing steadily slowly losing my air. I felt something wrap around my leg, it was scaly, like a snake. More began to wrap around my legs and get tighter as I pull away. I remembered the fight between the Sugino and I..it wasnt bad but how was I able to lose to him?

I pulled my arm yanking, I was unable to scream. I wanted to scream Nagisa's name. I wanted to, I opened my mouth ready to scream but nothing...just a silent whisper.

I tugged, yanked, pulled. But the snakes held me tighter or bit me. I looked down at the snakes...They all had blue eyes...blue scales and..red.

They reminded me of Nagisa.

I heard a soft gentle voice between the darkness.

"Karma..can you hear me? please wake up..please..I love you..please wake up"

The voice sounding like it was breaking, as if it was ready to cry. I couldnt make out the voice. But it was gentle...calm..but sad..ready to cry, it was begging me to wake up? What does he mean by that.

"I still remember when we first started dating Karma...you were different then any boy I've met. If you dont wake up...I'll kill sugino"


I started walking not caring about the snakes. I wanted to see Nagisa.

"Nagisa!" I was finally able to say something.

"Nagisa! I love you too!"

I pulled against the snakes pulling harder, they were losing their grip.

One snake fell.

I was moving with more ease but still struggled.

I dont know how long I've been in this dark room with snakes.

I saw a light. Nagisa's voice was more clear, no echo just..him.

I reached my hand out hoping i could grab on to something.

I fluttered my eyes slowly the light hit me.


I look over seeing the blue hair smiling with tears streaming down his face..


nagisa Basically jumped from his chair to hug me wrapping his arms around my neck. "You were asleep for two days I was worried you would never wake up" nagisa says through his crying.

I wrapped my arms around him. "Im fine Nagisa" Two days uh? The trip is almost over.

We were both crying, tears on my back and my tears on Nagisa's. I didnt want to let go. He was so gentle. Two days was far too long.

Nagisa sat in my lap hiding his face in my shoulder.

"Everything is going to be okay" I whispered into his ear hoping these words will come true.

Unbreakable love  (Karma x Nagisa)Where stories live. Discover now