at the cafe

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I stand at the cafe's counter ordering a cold coffee, Karma stands next to me waiting for his hot vanilla mocha with almond milk. "anything else m'am?" The lady asks writing down my order. "umm can I have one of those chocolate muffins and also I'm a guy" I point at the muffin through the glass "oh Im so sorry sir! and right away!" she took a cloth to get the muffin. She set the muffin on the corner in a brown bag. I start to pull out my money and hand it to the lady, she chuckled  "your friend already paid and the muffin is on the house" She blushed a little. "oh thanks!" I thanks her and pick up the bag. "don't mention it" She replied has she rang up the muffin.

  I walked over to Karma holding the bag and he grabs his coffee, I still had to wait for mine. He stayed near me drinking his. "thanks for paying" I turn to Karma. "It was no problem, I had some extra money that I took from Koro sensei" He smirks, I should've known he would've done that. I chuckled, I hear a cup go on the counter. I look over and see its mine. I take it and head outside, while Karma follows me. "where we sitting?" Karma asks taking a sip from his coffee. "i was thinking outside right over there" I point to a nice table with an umbrella and it was clean no trash and it was in a nice area. "okay" Karma takes the lead and sits at the table, I follow him sitting on the other side of the table. I set my coffee on the table and my muffin. "what'd you order, Nagisa?" Karma asks, he was looking away with his leg resting on the other he leaned in the chair with one arm behind him. "a cold white chocolate latte and a chocolate muffin" I respond tearing one side of the muffin off and handing the half I took off to Karma, he accepts the muffin.  "you have a strange thing for chocolate" Karma took a bite of the muffin, he looks over at the cafe's window. "well my mom is strict and restricts me from  all sweets" I replied sipping my coffee. "yes your bitch of a mother." Karma looked over at me. I kinda blushed but still it was kinda mean, but his eyes looking at mine kinda took that thought away.

I always liked Karma but Ive always pushed my feelings aside for another time. "this is nice. You skipping class to get a coffee you don't seem to the type to do something like this." Karma explained still leaning in his chair. "the girl at the counter seemed to like you also." Karma smirked and chuckled with his usual smug face. I knew he was up to something. "I don't think she does. She only confused my gender. Like everyone else does" I rubbed the back of my neck chuckling a little. Karma kept his smug face laughing a little.

Karma POV

I leaned back in my chair drinking my coffee trying to hide my blush. damn he was adorable with that laugh. I have to admit he looked really adorable today. Just like always. I like Nagisa I will admit, Ive always seen him as the submissive one. Which I like about him. I wonder did he want to meet so he could make a move, if not I will be more than happy to make the move on him. Its obivous he likes me, just like everyone else but he's damn good at pretending he doesn't even though I can see right through him like a window. he's always blushing around me. So that was the big give away. 

"karma?" I turn my head to meet Nagisa's eyes. He was looking down, blushing a little he was toddling with his fingers. "hm?' I smiled, what ever he wanted it had to be good. He looked up and grabbed my tie pulling me in. a kiss, well that was expected I wasn't expecting this to be his move. I have to admit I kinda enjoyed it. I rested my hand on his head allowing myself to bring him closer into the kiss. Im now sure he likes it. Instead of pulling away he continued. This was his move. Im proud of him. A kiss like that can wow anyone.

Nagisa POv

I just kissed Karma. Karma of all people I had to kiss. It was so cheesy but, it felt amazing! He even pulled me closer. Karma. Pulled. Me. Closer. I broke the connection blushing lightly I look at him. He had a redness in his cheek tinted pink. HE WAS BLUSHING! Karma blushing was a perfect sight. "I was waiting for you to do that" Karma chuckles holding my hand. "What?!" I blushed questioning what he meant by that. He chuckled and walked over to me grabbing me the waist caressing my cheek. "Ya know Nagisa.." he leaned close to my ear "I've always liked you~" he kisses my neck bringing shivers down my spine. It felt so good.
He brings his head back to me face. We looked at each other for a few minutes. He had his usual smug face. So many thoughts running through my head.
He let go of my waist. He held my hand dragging me away. "Where are we going?!" I asked being dragged away from the cafe. Karma turned his head to me not stopping. "We're going to my place. Where else would we go?" Karma smirked. This couldn't be good. But yet I felt so...aroused by his voice.

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