sadness occurs

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-Nagisa POV-

I couldn't move, I couldn't bring myself to do my work. I played my head on the desk crying, I couldn't stop crying all I could do is lay there. Holding on to the smallest hope that my mom will let me see him again. I held that hope, it was very little but I needed it. I couldn't stop remembering. Not what just happened it was sorta a blur to my eyes. I could still feel his skin against mine, and I could feel his kisses against my skin. I couldn't do anything. He was unable to help. He probably thinks its his fault. I wish there was a way but my mom took my phone and smashed it.

I roll my head to the other side seeing my mom standing next to me with anger in her eyes. "DO YOUR WORK! WHAT ARE YOU CRYING ABOUT?" she hit my head I couldn't pick up my head so I played there "Im crying cause you took away my last hope of freedom from you" I rolled over again and pushed all my work to her feet, "Excuse me! You need to pick this up." she pointed to the work and pushed to the ground making me hit my head against her foot "you need to realize what you're doing is wrong you took away someone I truly care about." I sat up sitting on my knees looking at her wiping my tears. "You can't love another boy. It's a sin" She kicked me making me hold my stomach, she didn't effect me. Sure I was full of sadness but she's just her. "if I am sinning then it feels fucking great to be with the devil" I stood up pushing her to the wall. I ran out of my room trying to escape but I couldnt she grabbed my arm and threw me back into the room. She ran out quickly slamming the door "you useless sinful brat!" I hear outside the door. I laid on the floor bringing my legs up to my chest crying softly. The hope I was holding on to shrunken.

I didn't sleep that night just sat on the ground talking to myself as if he was still here. I miss him more than anything. I miss Karma, I wanted Karma here to hold me close to let his warmth calm me. I missed being in his arms. I couldn't cry anymore. I didn't have the energy. I hummed too. Karma said he likes it when I hum. Told me it calmed him. I tried to cam myself but I couldn't.

-4 am-

I walked to the bathroom in my room. I looked at myself in the mirror I removed my hair ties and fixed my hair. I washed the dry tears off my face I looked at myself again. I hated my face, I hated the way I looked. I used a towel to dry my face then laid on my bed hugging a pillow. My mom was asleep by this time which would be a good time to sneak out if she didn't lock my door from outside or took out my window when I was seven.

*im sorry for making his mom like this. Please do expect more updates coming up very soon even quicker too! I'm really liking this story! Thanks for the support! Please do leave suggestions for more chapters I would love to hear your ideas!*

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