The talk of the night

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~Nagisa POV~

The overlapping voices of the girls confused me a bit since everyone was talking at once. "alright girls lets not get over ourselves. We still need to know the date" Megu stopped the chatter. "So when is it?" The girls all ask once. "Uhhh...I dont know" I replied shrugging my shoulders and smiling, all the girls came out with a huge gasp. "HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW! YOU HAVE TO! ITS A-" The chatter started up again, I sighed again knowing I cant get out of this little girl circle.

~Karma POV~

I could only laugh at the girls and feel bad for Nagisa I kinda forgot that girls take weddings seriously so this will be fun for Nagisa. "So when is it?" Yuma asked tapping on my shoulder. "Well next year giving me more time to plan this" I had to speak loudly but not too loud so Nagisa and the girls can hear me. "Good idea throw something big though since you and Nagisa are actually going to be the first actual gay marriage in Japan so do something huge!" Hiroto explained.

I was nervous. This was a big deal Nagisa and I bound for life,so this will be a big decision.

~Nagisa PoV~

The boys seemed chill about this they exchanged small questions. but the girls..I WAS BeING CROWDED! One girl said she wants to put me in a dress damn it! I want out of this circle. I dont think I will.

Kayano sat with Sugino they mustve not wanted in on this at all. Kayano I dont understand why but Sugino I do....after that kiss I never wanted to see him again. Their lucky though...THEY DONT HAVE TO BE IN THIS CIRCLE!

I nodded softy whenever the girls said a yes or no question, but Rio asked about the proposal.

"Well it was during the was sweet. Karma didnt know what to say so he was super nervous...which was actually adorable.." I blushed talking about the story. Karma's face was bright red with a tint of pink. He looked like a tomato. I chuckled silently thinking of how red Karma was. The room echoed with Awes.

I sighed and walked back unknown what my back was facing, or what will I bump into. I walked back not paying attention, thats when I fell hitting someone. But they grabbed my arm pulling me into a kiss holding my back. I didnt see who it was till I saw the red hair. I kissed back blushing. I wrapped my arm around his neck. I heard cameras going off and everyone cooed. Karma pulled away from my mouth "Ha I jumped into you on purpose. just so i could give you a kiss" Karma chuckled and bringing me back into a kiss. "You didnt have to scare me though" I said between kisses, Karma chuckled. "You know we're in front of people" yes I do love his kisses but we were in public, basically making out in public! "So? I need to show you're mine and mine alone" Karma let me stand up but he still had his arm wrapped around me.

~Sugino POV~

I swear Karma is purposely trying to make me jealous. I liked Nagisa alot. I understand they are dating and the kiss I did was stupid and me telling him that Karma was immoral was just...awful. But damn it I love Nagisa more than him! He's probably just using him. What Karma just did was stupid and gross. Making out in public. Jeez what are you going at Karma..what do you want from dont convey your're usually the most cruel person in the room.

~Kayano POV~

Dang it Dang it Dang it! I brought my knees to my chest feeling sad...I like Nagisa..yes..I wanted him...but he's with that-that-that TOMATO! ugh...Why can't he just love Rio! I want Nagisa! That make out session with Nagisa should be my lips not his! Why does life hate.. I want Nagisa so much! UGH but they would be awful to Nagisa..he really loves him. I should just leave them be.

~Sugino POV~

Im going to break them up

Unbreakable love  (Karma x Nagisa)Where stories live. Discover now