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Hey guys. Its been a while but I hope you enjoy. Don't mind mistakes. I was trying to get this one done. Lol. 


Kimberlys POV|1:30:Bedroom

 I was laying down on Laurents bed when i heard a lot of ruckus going on downstairs. I went to the door and saw Lay walk in carrying this big dude, twice her size. They fell to the ground and was struggling to get up. I went to go put a shirt and some pants on, and made my way down stairs. I bent down to where Layla and the guy was and asked if she needed any help. She said she would appreciate it. I got his arm, and put it around my shoulder. A few seconds later we were standing up again walking to the stairs. We took our time so we wouldn't fall. We made it to the bedroom and plopped down on the bed. That was some hard work.

After catching my breath, I asked Layla what happened. "Well Chris here wanted to do some catching up, and here come the twins - acting like dame animals and started attacking him'. She sat next to Chris who was all beat up, and spitting blood. I felt bad for him."Where are the guys at?". "I don't know and i could care less right about now". I nodded my head, understanding what she was saying. The door opened and in came Larry carrying Laurent, who both were bleeding, with bruises all over them. I jumped from the balcony, landing in front of laurent. "He got a few ribs knocked out of place". He set Lau on the couch. I sat on the floor next to him, moving his arm a little bit. He winced a little, so I stopped. Hes tattoos were covered in blood, and his rib cage was bruised real bad. I looked at Larry who was on the phone, he looked worried. "Come on Bey please...he can't wait till the morning time he needs you now....ok...ok...bye. She can't come out tonight, she'll be here in the morning". "Merde". Larry started pacing back and forth and I wanted to help Laurent.

"I can put them back in place before they start to heal on their own - if you like?".

He looked at Lau and he nodded, telling me to do it. "But he'll need some morphine first". I told larry and he took off to the lab. Seconds later, he was back with a little bottle and a needle. I slowly pulled the liquid in the needle, making sure not to make bubbles. I found a vein, stuck the needle in, and pushed the liquid in his arm.

" It's gonna sting a little." He laughed looking at me. "I can handle it bebe." I smiled, putting myself on top of him, getting ready to put his ribs back in place. "Awe shit. Not this again." He smirked, I told him to shut up and gave him a pillow to bite down on. One by one I broke and replaced his ribs, and shoulder. It was faster than I thought. I got off of him to go wash my hands. When I came back, Larry was wrapping the cloths around his body. I went to help sit him up. 

"Your body temperature is going to make the morphine ware off. If you feel pain let me know". Wiping the sweat off his forehead, I stood up to go back upstairs.

Chris POV

I was sitting on the bed, while Layla was running some warm water. She came out the bathroom with a bowl of water and a rag. She sat the bowl down on the dresser. I watched her every move. She looked upset, and I don't blame her. "I'm sorry". I put my head down as she wiped some blood off my face. She didn't say anything.

"I shouldn't had did tha-"


"Why what?"

"Don't play dumb"

She pushed my head up so I was looking at her. I tried not to make eye contact, looking at everything else around her.

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