The Face of a Killer

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Andrew had his hands in his pockets as he walked with Harleen to their mystery destination. His hands were sweaty, and he didn't want her to notice. It wasn't that he was nervous, but it was more the thrill of a new experience. He had been on dates before, but none of those girls were as interesting as Harleen. She had her hair pulled up in a bun and wore a black leather jacket overtop of a white blouse. She always managed to look sophisticated and flirty at the same time. She was like a puzzle. That's what Andrew liked most about her... she was a mystery.

"I can't believe I'm letting you lead me to some random location in the middle of the night," she joked.

"And why is that?" He smirked.

"Because it's only our second time going out together and there's nobody else around. For all I know, you could be a serial killer," she replied.

"Now, do I really look like a serial killer to you?" he laughed.

"You never know in Gotham," she joked, "But I do trust you."

"Good, because we're almost here." He led her towards the border of Gotham. Then she realized where they were going.

"Wait, are we going to the abandoned amusement park?" she asked with a puzzled look.

"Yep. I know it's not your typical second date, but sometimes I like to come here to think. I thought it was worthy enough to share with you."

"It's actually pretty cool," she said. A Ferris wheel, two roller coasters, merry-go-round, fun house, and rotting booths surrounded them. Andrew smiled as he saw the awe on her face. She never seemed timid when he let her glimpse into his life.

"Let's go in here," he said and led her into the fun house.

"Do you come here often?" she asked.

"At least once a week. Every once in a while I like to get away from my roommate."

"You live with someone?"

"Oh yeah. I share an apartment with a friend of mine," he said, "He can get annoying sometimes so I just come here."

"Well, it certainly is interesting," she said looking around at the different mirrors.

"It's fascinating how many different ways we can view ourselves," he pondered out loud, "We can look large in one mirror, paper thin in another, and completely upside down in another."

"Very philosophical," she smiled, "How do you see me?" He turned to look at her. He paused to think about his response.

"I see a face that embodies great beauty and intelligence, but inside is a mystery. I see a bird trying to be set free," he answered.

"Then set me free," she whispered. He grabbed her face and kissed her. His lips were irresistible. She needed more and began kissing him harder. He kissed back with just as much passion. He pulled back to catch his breath.

"You really are something else," he laughed. She giggled and then was captured by his embrace.

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