Table for Two

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Harleen threw her stuff in the doorway as soon as she walked through her apartment door. It was 7 pm and she was tired and hungry. She had stayed overtime to help Dr. Arkham sort out some stuff. Wait, why was there a flower vase on the table. And did she smell chicken cooking from the kitchen.

"Sloanne, are you home?" she called out and cautiously walked closer to the kitchen.

"Well you're home late," he said. Shit. Harleen ran back towards the door.

"Oh I wouldn't do that if I were you doll," the Joker said as he came out of the kitchen. He was pointing a gun at her.

"Please just leave me alone," she pleaded. Harleen had never been this close to him when he had his clown makeup on. He didn't look like a person anymore, but a creature of his own creation.

"Now why would I do that? You're still a scattered puzzle Harleen. It's my job to put you together," he said stepping closer and closer.

"Please," she whimpered.

"Please what? Shush shh shh, don't worry doll," he said brushing her hair back with the gun. He was an inch away from her face.

"If you're going to kill me get it over with," she whispered.

"He he he he. I'm not gonna kill you. At least not yet," he laughed and took the gun away from her face. She frowned at him.

"Hey you have to learn how to take a joke Harleen," he grinned.

"Well if someone has a gun up to your head I'm sure you would infer that they were going to kill you," she mumbled.

"There's the sarcastic Harleen I remember," he smiled. She gave a small smile back. Good, he wanted her to get comfortable. The timer went off in the kitchen.

"Looks like dinner's ready," he said.

"There is no way I'm eating dinner with you," she grimaced.

"It, uh, wasn't a question doll," he said waving his gun in the air. Harleen was absolutely terrified inside, but she was determined not to show it. If playing his little game was the only way to stay alive, then she was going to do it.

"You poisoned it, didn't you?" She joked.

"There's only one way to find out," he grinned.

Ten minutes later the psychiatrist sat at her dining room table eating chicken with the Joker. She watched as he viciously chewed on his piece of chicken.

"Why aren't you talking? I know you're shy on the first date but you have to give me something to work with," he said. She rolled her eyes at his joke which made his smile grow.

"You know you did kill eight of the guards at Arkham right?"

"Of course I did. I know how to count. Besides, just be glad that you weren't one of my victims," he responded.

"How did you manage to get out of your cell? We had you in Level 5 security," she questioned.

"A magician never reveals his tricks," he said and took a drink of water.

"You must of had one hell of a trick then," she smirked.

"Ya see, thats the Harley I know," he licked his lips and pointed his fork at her.

"I'm just Harleen to you Joker," she said seriously, "I don't know for sure how you got this bad, but I don't want to be a part of your little world. Leave me out of your game."

"Aw Miss Quinzel, you see I just can't do that," he winced.

"And why not?" she questioned.

"Because everyone who knew my previous identity is dead except for you and Sloanne. Now, Sloanne has no idea who I am, so she's fine. But as soon as she finds out she's..." he trailed off and dragged his finger across his neck. Harleen's eyes grew wide with fear and anger.

"Don't you ever!" she screamed.

"Sush sush sush. I'm not done talking yet doll," he said and stood up so that he looked even more intimidating. "You on the other hand know my little secret. You're lucky that you still intrigue me. But don't let that settle you. See, as soon as you decide to tattle or move, you're dead. So no matter what you do, you're stuck in my game. You involuntary started to play the day you gave me your number," he licked his lips. Harleen shrunk down into her seat. "You'll either die or will live the life I'm paving for you," he concluded, "So which will it be?" Harleen said nothing.

"I'll take your silence as a sign that you want to keep that pretty head of yours," he grinned.

"I think it's time for you to leave now," she stated. Joker pulled out his pocket watch.

"I think you're right," he sighed and walked to her back door.

"Joker," she called before he closed the door.

"What?" he said turning back to her.

"Please don't come back," she pleaded. She waited for him to say something. He grinned and disappeared into the cold night.

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