Mr. Quinzel vs a Borderline Psychopath

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The following months were hell for Harleen. She could see the man she loved start to crumble before her eyes. He became more aggressive and more possessive towards her. He would mutter things under his breath. She didn't like it one bit, but she put up with it. She had to. She felt she was the fish and he was the hook embedded into her mouth. But today, she had other things to worry about. Her dad was coming to visit from New York. She hated him but felt obligied to stay in contact with him. He insisted on meeting Andrew. She was screwed. Not only was Andrew not the type that her dad liked, but he was also getting more protective and aggressive over her. As soon as her father told her that he wanted to meet him, she instantly regretted telling Andrew some of the things her dad used to do to her and her sister. Harleen shivered as the awful memories started drifting into her mind.

She decided that the best way to introduce her dad to Andrew was to invite her little sister Abby too. Abby was the most precious thing Harleen had in her life. They were always there for each other, and Harleen considered herself Abby's protector when their dad lost his temper. Abby would help break the ice between her dad and Andrew because Abby would be excited to meet him.

Harleen tapped her foot nervously waiting for the knock of her father on her apartment door. Sloanne and Andrew both stood in the living room behind her. Andrew came up to her and rubbed her shoulders.

"Calm down, it's going to be okay," he said.

"And what are you going to say to him if he asks you what you do for a living?" she whispered so Sloanne couldn't hear.

"That I'm training to be an electrician," he whispered back. Harleen relaxed her shoulders, but only a little. Sloanne came up to her.

"You know I'm here for you too Harley," she said and squeezed her best friend's hand.

"Thanks Sloanne," she said with a small smile coming to her face. "I haven't seen him in almost a year," she sighed.

"I won't let him do anything to you," Andrew said as he held her tight. That's exactly what she was worried about. She didn't want her dad and Andrew to hurt each other. Suddenly the doorbell rang. Harleen's hand shook a little as she twisted the doorknob. She opened the door to see the face of the man she always dreaded seeing.

"Hi Dad," she said giving him a smile.

"Hello Harleen," he said with little expression.

"Harleen!" Abby screamed bounding through the doorway.

"Oh my gosh I've missed you so much!" Harleen exclaimed and embraced her. Harleen glanced up to notice that her father was already glaring at Andrew.

"Dad and Abby, this is Andrew," Harleen said and walked over to him.

"Hello," he gave a fake smile.

"And you both remember Sloanne right?" Harleen asked and directed their attention to her best friend.

"Of course we do. Now young man," Mr. Quinzel turned back to Andrew, "what do you do for a living?"

"I'm training to be an electrician," he responded.

"Not the worst, but Harleen why are you not spending your time with the boys who focus on schoolwork rather than ones who look like they've come from the streets," Mr. Quinzel responded. Harleen's eyes grew wide; she didn't know what to say.

"Maybe we should have a private conversation in the kitchen," Andrew said through gritted teeth.

"Alright then," Mr. Quinzel said and followed Andrew into the kitchen.

"He seems nice," Abby said to Harleen.

"Why don't we sit down?" Harleen gave a small smile. The girls sat on the couch.

"So Abby, are you going to college?" Sloanne asked Abby.

"Yeah, I'm going to NYU for acting," she smiled, "my dad doesn't like it though. He's barely paying for any of it, so I've been taking out lots of loans and working a lot. Harleen also offered to help pay since she's an amazing sister."

"That's awesome! If you need help moving in, let me know," Sloanne replied.

"I can't wait to visit you in New York," Harleen hugged Abby. All of a sudden, the girls heard yelling in the kitchen.

"Oh no," Harleen cried quickly getting up. Abby and Sloanne started to get up but Harleen made them stay.

"You're no fit to be in my daughter's life! You're just street scum!" Mr. Quinzel yelled at Andrew.

"Oh yeah? I treat her better than you ever did!" Andrew screamed back with clenched fists.

"Guys please don't fight," Harleen pleaded and walked between them.

"Harley get out of the way," Andrew grunted and pushed her aside.

"Get out of this apartment you piece of shit!" Mr Quinzel yelled and pushed Andrew's chest.

WHACK! Harleen gasped. Sloanne and Abby stood stunned in the living room. He had punched Mr. Quinzel so hard that he ended up on the floor. Andrew stood towering over him.

"Dad!" Harleen screamed and fell to the ground next to him. His eyes opened a little. Blood was streaming from his nose where Andrew punched him.

"Get out of my apartment right now," Harleen glared at Andrew.

"Harleen you're dad was being disrespectful to you and me. I was just trying to.."

"I am done with you and you're bullshit job!" she screamed.

"You don't mean that doll. You're still my Harley," he said and tried picking her up from off of the ground.

"Get off of me!" she cried as tears started rolling down her cheeks. His grip only got tighter.

"Andrew let go of her!" Abby and Sloanne screamed at him. He was about to say something but decided against it. He let Harleen go.

"Get out now before I call the police," Harleen cried as Sloanne pulled her close to her. Andrew took one last look at her and headed out the door.

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