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3:07 pm

"hey, it's oliver. you know, your boyfriend. the love of your life. all that. yeah, you probably forgot about me because i'm in kansas and you're not here. sooo... well i haven't eaten in a few days and i'm a little dehydrated. but i'm sure you don't care. whatever- hey, oliver! dude, i'm on the phone. oh, well i'm headed down to the gym. meet me down there? yeah, sure." clears throat. "um, that was some old cowboy out here in kansas...uh city. anyway, call me. i love you. like a lot. like a lot a lo- message ended."

3:10 pm

"a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot. so call me and tell me you love me too, cause i miss your voice. oh, and i wanna know how that script went. and i changed my email, i'll text you the address. bye."

new text message


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