Sacrifice Part 2

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A/N: So this is part two. Yeah. If you want me to do anything just comment and it will be done. If possible. Like if you want a training fanfic set during season 3 or 2 I'll do it. Keep voting and commenting. Also read my other fanfics cause some of these stories will relate back. Thanks and enjoy!!!!!

Ezra's POV:

The inside of the woman's ship was as good looking as the outside. She led me to her command center and she chained me to her chair. With a collar attaching to my neck. Her pet. I glare at her and she only laughs and rubs a hand through my hair.

"Oh, my young Jedi don't worry. I won't hurt you, if you behave. Let's start with something easy. What's your name?" She ask as she puts her hand back in her lap. Why? I can't give her my real name or she will sell me to the empire or worse. Think, what name is common?

"My name is Taylor. Taylor Gray," I say with a hint of confusion. (See what I did there) Usually the master just calls them slave or a number.

"Okay Taylor. The name suits you well. I'm Onlina or in your case Master or her majesty. Either works," she says as she inspects me even further. I hate the feeling but I have to keep up this act until Kanan and Marina save me.

I suddenly felt the force, but before I could do anything it dissolves away. What?

"Oh Taylor. That collar controls what you can do with the force. And I heard you have a master and girl connected to you. So when they come to save you I get two more very powerful slaves," she states.

"Where did you learn that from?" I ask as I stare into the floor. I can't let her take Kanan or Marina. I couldn't imagine Kanan sitting here stuck with her.

"I know Jedi. And I know enough to know that your still a padawan. So there must be a master somewhere or are learning from nothing. Also, the empire has stated that a force sensitive has escaped into Jedi hands. You must the last of your religion so I just put the pieces together," she smiles and puts her hand under my chin and lifts my head to her.

"Taylor, just except that your gonna be with me for a long time and it will simplify the process," she commands. I listen to nobody. If I give up then Kanan would be disappointed and Marina would be as well. I sacrificed my life for them. I won't let it go in vain.

"The day I accept it will be the day I die," I say and then screams tore threw my throat. Electricity was in my body, my bones. It isn't stopping. Make it stop. Do something.

"This is interesting. The electricity is suppose to stop once the slave does as there told. You really are powerful," she says. She clicks a button on her chair and the electricity stops. I lay collapsed on the floor. No energy is left in me.

"Okay my slave. Here is your first order: contact your Jedi friends. Or we can test out more electricity," she says as she looks at me intensely. I can't and won't put Kanan threw this. He and I might fight but he is my master my father.

I block off my connection to Kanan and Marina. Not just my force signature but my life signature. Kanan and Marina will think I'd died and won't come for me. I won't fall to the dark side Kanan, I promise.

"I can't contact them," I say. I look straight at her so she can detect no lies. She glares at me and merely smiles more evilly.

"Well then it will just you and me. And I've been missing a lot of company. But with you all of that will change. You might stop me from getting your friends but you won't see them ever again either," she says and calls the guards next to her.

"Put him in his cell and grab the whips," she orders. Whips are not good. I don't need to be whipped but if I say that then I will get whipped even harder.

She grabs my shoulder before walking with her guards. "Oh and Taylor your work starts tomorrow so I would get use to following orders or you deal with the consequences," she whispers in my ear. I nod and she releases me from her grin and her chair. The collar stays on with the handcuffs.

As we walk there. I make sure Kanan and Marina can't sense me. I already feel there sadness and anger. Especially Marina's. I'm sorry as I finally put up the rest of the barrier in my mind.

Kanan's POV:

Once we reach the base, Marina and I instantly go to my room and meditate to find Ezra. We felt Ezra go on another ship and they entered hyperspace a few minutes.

"Can you track him?" I ask Marina from our bond.

"No it's not possible. I can do some amazing things, but I'm no miracle worker," she snaps back. She is almost like Ezra just more mature and more feminine.

After about 5 minutes, I felt like I was being electrocuted. It soared through my skin and bones. Marina felt it too. Good. I'm not going to suffer this torture alone.

After the electricity attack, Ezra's force and life signatures start to dim out. That's not possible. Marina was searching the whole galaxy for the signatures but got nothing. I felt nothing. Ezra is dead.

Marina starts searching even harder and deeper than ever before. I couldn't sense Ezra. He is dead. Our bond was gone. I couldn't sense anything on the other end and it couldn't send anything back.

Marina opens her eyes shining with tears. They fall and hug her. She couldn't sense him either.

"He can't be. He just can't," she cries out. I hold her tighter. After 10 minutes of checking and failing, we release each other and she leaves. I had to say something.

"It's okay. We must not let Ezra's sacrifice go in vain," I say but Marina looks unconvinced still.

"What is it?" I ask as I start to get up. I have to talk to Hera, Zeb, Sabine, and Chopper. I have to be strong for them.

"If Ezra died then I should be seeing it every second. But I don't. I don't think he's dead Kanan. You can give up but I won't. Can't not until I see it," she says then walks to Sabine's room.

I walk out the door to the main room and see everyone looking at me for something, anything.

"I'm sorry. Ezra died. I can't sense him in anywhere. His force and life signature are gone," I say and all the crew looks at me with sadness even Chopper. Hera comes to me and hugs me. I hug her back.

"You tried everything. You taught him well. He sacrificed himself and he learned that from you," Hera says. I nod but sadness was in all of our eyes. Nothing is gonna be the same. I wish I could've done something, anything to prevent.

I say to the force hoping Ezra could hear it. "May the force be with you always. You did good padawan and your the best apprentice a master could ever have."

Intense but hopefully next chapter isn't. Please post your ideas and I will try to make them possible. Long live rebels!!!!!!!!!!!! And of course may the force be with you always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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