Trapped Part 4

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Makes me laugh. I was super evil last chapter. This will either be the final or the second to last chapter. I need some ideas. I have one but you tell me. Summary:

Alternate ending to Twilight of the Apprentice. Instead of fighting Ashoka in the end, Vader knock outs all three Jedi and takes them. Vader tortures them all but mostly Ezra. Will the three survive? Will they escape?

Sounds dark. Going to be bad for Ezra. I am a really evil person. Well hope you like this. Enjoy!!!

Robin's POV:

The floor collapsed. Water trickled with a few rocks and dust. We were so close yet now we are so far. I went on to my knees. He's dead. There is no way her survived the fall. Then add all the rocks and water on top of him.

Kanan just stares into the hole and puts out his hand. He's going to use the force. Maybe he is alive. Or at least we should get his body for a proper burial.

All the rocks and debris floats in the air. I peer down the hole and I see nothing but water. No no no. I look closer and I think I see a flash of orange. Then I do the dumbest thing ever.

I jump in and the water was only about 4 feet and 6 inches high. It hurt my legs to jump straight down and hit solid earth. But Ezra is more important. I start feeling for something, anything.

The hole had a 10 feet diameter. After a few seconds, I felt something and I pulled it up. It was Ezra. Not breathing.

He was limp and freezing. I was holding his shoulders but I could see the various cuts on his face. Most of them are leaking blood. His legs are still submerge in the water luckily.

"Karabast!" I shout. I see Delta and Zeb over the edge and I see the rocks shaking.

Kanan is losing his concentration. I need to get out of here. Zeb was thinking the same thing. He dropped down to a ledge that was close to our exit. He throws some rope over and I tie some to Ezra then myself. I give a thumbs up to Zeb and he starts pulling.

The jerk surprises me but we get closer to the ledge. I smile and I see the rocks lowering to the bottom of the hole. Zeb does one more pull and we were on the ledge. Then before I knew it I was being thrown out of the hole. With Ezra following. Once Zeb is out, Kanan falls on his knees panting. The rocks fall and I go inspect Ezra.

His legs. I almost gag. A bone was sticking through the flesh and blood coats his leg. His ankle was pointing at an awkward angle.

His face was littered with cuts and blood. His nose was broken and most likely a few arms. His ribs were probably all shattered. Hopefully he doesn't have a punctured lung. He might have a concussion though.

Kanan came by to inspect him and he was holding him like a father. I feel his chest and felt no heartbeat. Kanan then checks his pulse and finds nothing. He wasn't breathing so I did CPR. I hit his chest and count.

One. Nothing.

Two. Nothing.

Three. Nothing.

Four. Nothing.

Five. Nothing.

Six. Nothing.

Seven. Nothing.

Eight. Nothing.

Nine. Nothing.

Ten. Something.

He takes a breath and starts coughing up water and dust. We all release a the breath we're holding. Kanan hugs him and I smile with Zeb and Delta. Ezra was shaking in exhaustion and the cold.

After a second, he registers the pain and screams. Then he looks at it and bites his lower lip. It's hard to not to freak out with a bone sticking out of your flesh. That's for sure.

He's going to be okay though. With healing and time of course. The Ghost was outside the cave and Kanan and Zeb help Ezra somewhat to his feet. Putting any pressure made him gasp.

Delta puts a hand on my shoulder and smiles. We saved someone. We saved a hero and rebel leader. We saved Ezra Bridger.

Kanan's POV:

Zeb and I put him down as gently as possible but even that made Ezra stifle a scream. How come I didn't sense any of this? Ezra's mental shields are too high and powerful.

Chopper was flying the ship and Hera gasp could be heard on another planet. She rushes into work and looks at the damage.

Ezra smiles and I shed calming, healing waves through the force. In time, Ezra will be as good as new. And he'll learn from this and hopefully never let this happen again. 

Time Skip

Only two weeks in a bacta tank and one week of sitting in the med-bay doing nothing but check ups. I was glad he was back doing work for the rebellion. Less work for me, that's for sure.

Ezra's legs healed up fine. Mostly all of his ribs were shattered with his legs but bacta saves everything. His arms had a few broken bones but healed nicely. The concussion was fixed with several of the cuts. Just some scars were left including where the bone broke skin.

We have all the reports and I must say Ezra has really become more level headed and calm in stressful situations. He's becoming more like a Jedi everyday.

"Master, are you okay? You spaced out for a few minutes," Ezra says and he was sitting on the couch on the Ghost. I smile and he does too.

"Just thinking of everything that has happen. With how you handled the situation and how you used the force," I reply. Ezra nods and stands up.

I come in to help him. Habit. The first day he stood, the pain was horrific. It took till the 3rd day for him to take a step of any sorts.

"I'm fine. Maybe we should go mediate, Kanan," Ezra suggests and I nod. We go to my room and sit cross legged across from each other.

I open up my mind to the force and so did Ezra. Their was pain and suffering but also happiness and compassion. He will make a great Jedi someday. I know it.

Yes I did it. Now time to return to Maul and Ezra. More torture. Please tell me your thoughts on the idea above. Also, I hope you liked. Don't worry I'll will never kill Ezra. Torture him, bring him to mental insanity, and put him on the brink of death; Yes totally. May the force be with you, always. Long live SWRebels!!!!!!!

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