Sabezra: Zero Hour Part 1

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So because stupid Dave hasn't given us Sabezra this far in the season. I believe it will happen in the last episode. It is a maybe. Hopefully yes. Here is the summary:

During the last episode, Ezra contacts Sabine and the Mandos. They come and help. But at the end, Ezra blows up the Gravity Wells with himself included. How injured is he? Will the two confess there feelings for each other or is it too late?

Hope you like. If this happens close to this I will explode.

Ezra's POV:

The rebels are doing pretty good. We aren't al dead, yet. I was on one of the last Gravity Wells and I am about to cut it with my lightsaber. But suddenly ties are coming and it causing a explosion. I try to run but with zero gravity it's tough. I feel heat radiating off my back and my vision turns black.

The force is yelling at me to open my eyes but the darkness feels so good. I will my eyes to open and I see a tie shooting me. I use my saber to deflect one of the shots back. I then use the force to send it into the Gravity Well. One tie can't destroy that thing. When sending the tie, I use the force and push them into the Gravity Well too. Once they hit the explosion somehow hits me still. Or the force of it. I was about to fall unconscious. I comm the rebels.

"Jump now!" I feel so tired and I saw more black spots in my vision. I close my eyes for my awaiting death.

Hera's POV:

Ezra's message was heard loud and clear. His plan worked perfectly but Kanan yells in the comm open the ground floor.

"What? Why would do that?" I yell back. I have the coordinates ready and most of our ships are already gone.

"Ezra is still out there. Injured. Open the floor up I will force him back inside," he says and I do it. Please let Ezra be okay.

Kanan's POV:

I am right at the railing holding on for dear life as the floor opens up. I sense Ezra is close and unconscious. Please be okay kid.

I use the force and once he is on the Ghost. Chopper closes the floor and I lower him to the ground. Hera takes no time for us to jump and I run to my Padawan.

"Ezra can you hear? Ezra please respond," I say and I hold his head in my arms. He is in pain. He is about to die. I can't let him. He is too strong for that. He just became a Jedi knight and he never bragged about it. He came up with this plan to destroy the ships and he is hurt because of it.

Zeb and Sabine come down to help me. (Okay so Sabine went on the ship during the battle to help the crew while Ezra battle in Space)  They look at the kid and they stop cold. He is so young to be in this battle but he still fights.

Zeb grabs him bridal style and we put him on the table in the common room. His legs were dangling off but they weren't in the most trouble. Sabine runs to grab medical supplies and I just hold his hand and keep saying out loud and in the force. Wake up. Please. Wake up. Please Ezra.

"I contacted Commander Sato he says that if Ezra is in critical condition there medical ship will jump out of hyperspace and we can do the transfer there," Hera says as she looks over him.

I see a stain coming from his side and it looks a lot like blood. I am about to cry. My Padawan. My son is dying and I can't do anything to stop it.

"Kanan, Zeb get this off of him. Sabine help me grab more medical supplies," she commands and we do it. Zeb and I take the suit off to see a piece of metal sticking from Ezra's orange shirt. Blood was still oozing from the wound.

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