Torture Part 2!!!

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Here is the second part. It's technically rescue time. But I decided to put torture in this. Like full blown torture. We will hate Pryce after this for hurting our Ezra. Also, is he a 10/10 or a 12/10. Tell me in the comments. Hope you like.

Pryce' POV:

Two days and nothing. He has resisted us long enough. I walk to his cell with his blade and torture droids behind me. There are the most dangerous and successful in getting information.

"Hello, Bridger. I will tell you only once. Give us the information we need and you won't get hurt," I say as I put a hand through his crop-cut hair.

"The day I tell you something will be when Mustafar turns into Hoth," he says and I slap him hard.

"So be it." The torture droids turn in and shock, cut, beat, and break him. After 4 hours of this fun, the droids leave.

His other eye is almost swollen shut and blood was all over him. I come and grab his hair and yank it out of his head. He groans but doesn't scream.

I don't know Jedi or their skills. I just know that I hate them. Vader will break him once we reach Coruscant. One more day and he will be a servant of the Empire or dead. Either one works for me.

Thrawn came into the cell with me and stared at the boy. He glared back. Such fight in one so young. His hope will die with rebellion.

"Have you've gotten anything from him?" He asks. I shake my head. My reputation is on the line and he is ruining it. Stupid Jedi.

"May I see that?" He asks and points at his saber. I nod and hand it to him. What is he going to do? He is the smartest man I know so there is something going on that I don't see.

"Such a elegant weapon. You constructed this yourself, am I correct?" He asks and the boy nods. His throats was burning from the torture so he won't speak for awhile.

"After all my years of work, I've never met a Jedi. I have heard rumors like everyone and it seems you're living up to that reputation," he says and the boys glares. His eyes dance back to the blade.

"I heard your blades can cause damage but no blood. Let's see if that's true," he says. The green blade activates and he swipes the boy's chest.

It goes through his clothing leaving a black smoking line on his chest. No blood was leaking from he wound. The boy was in pain and his breaths were heaves.

"Looks like it was true. There was another saying Jedi could withstand mind probes. Begin."

Time Skip

I was standing next to Thrawn and Bridger might as well have been dead. He was barely breathing. Both eyes were swollen shut. He was in a pool of blood and had several new lightsaber marks.

"You are a native to Lothal. Parents were taken away when you were 7 and you survived 8 years in the streets. Sad for one so young. Now a rebel who leads and is one of the last of a forgotten religion," Thrawn says as he looks at the holopad brought from storm troopers.

The boy was in a meditation stance and looked in complete peace. Blood was dripping from his face like tears on the floor in a rhythmic beat.

"Look at the time. We are arriving at Coruscant. Vader will be please to know that you can't be broken with our normal techniques. We just saved him a lot time. Bye Bridger. Hopefully next time we meet it will be for the execution of you rebel comrades," he says and leaves with me in suit. The troopers then start showing the boy. His screams could be heard down the hall.

Kanan's POV:

We were about to jump out of hyperspace with the rebellion in tow above Coruscant. This is a suicide mission. I felt Ezra's pain and not hurt me more that I'm not there with him. Or even support him. I'm such a great master.

"Love. Stop that. Let's save Ezra then doubt ourselves later," Hera says and I nod. She's right. She's always right.

"Got it, general."

Come on Ezra hang in there for just a little bit. I feel him in the force and he finally seems happy.

"Kanan, you're here. You have to hurry. Once we're out they will send me straight to the surface," Ezra says and I nod.

"Don't worry we will be there before you. Thy are in for a surprise."

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