New Episodes!!!!

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SWRgirl just posted new episodes for SWREBELS!!!! I am dying.

After Agent Kallus episode, Secret Cargo:

Wtf. The rebellion alliance is going to happen. Mon Momtha (i think) will be there and they will have to survive some imperial pursuit. Can't wait.

Double Agent Droid:

Chopper and electricity! No my poor droid. Either AP-5 will or Chopper or both. If both than rebels your dead. With chopper's evilness and AP-5 smarts and boredom we will all die. Also it will be a droid episode. They are funny. Also, I think Ezra will do something that will get him reprimanded because. . .


Maul vs Obiwan. Finally. Ezra defies Hera and Kanan and goes to save Obiwan. 30 minutes long my theory was right. Also Ezra better be knighted or Kanan and Hera will ground him for a whole year. Also, is Ezra wearing pjs cause he isn't injured. Maybe?

Zero Hour One hour finale:

March 25 is too far away. Dying!!!!! Ezra gets blown up from gravity and Sabine will be back cause Ezra will call them. Mando and Jedi fighting in space BLASTING DOWN TIES THAT NO CAN BEAT. Ezra poses in space and is a Jedi in space with a lightsaber. Omg. Also, thrawn will be badass.

One more week. Let's do this Rebels. May the force be with you, always. Long live SWREBELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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