Sacrifice Part 3

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Ezra's POV:

I hate whips so much. The guards love to whip me and they went all out once we reached the cell. After the millionth hit, they left. Jerks.

I have been laying down trying to calm down. My emotions are flying. Anger, fear, and hate. No dark side. You promised Kanan. I need to meditate.

I sat cross-legged and put my handcuffed hands in my lap. Breath in. . . . Breath out. . . . Breath in. . . . Breath out. Let go of emotions. You are a Jedi, protector of the people.

"There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is force."

I repeat it in my head several times until I feel fully relax. I wish Kanan was here. He would be proud that I memorized the whole Jedi code and I did perfect meditation.

One day, if it ever comes, I'll tell him and make him proud. I will also tell Marina that I can meditate too. She thought I couldn't. I'll miss her judgement.

I'll miss Chopper'a sense of humor. I'll miss Zeb's jokes and bashing bucket heads. I'll miss Hera's commanding and her motherly love. I'll especially miss Sabine. Her art, smile, hair, and personality. Then there's Kanan. I'll miss everything about him. His strictness, kindness, his knowledge, his force presence, and of course his smile, when I do something right or someone told a good joke. I miss them so much. I miss my family. My home. My true master.

Tears fell and hit my legs. I have to stay strong. If I'm going to survive this death trap, I have to be ready for everything.

Time Skip

I hear a bang outside the door and I stand up. Wrong choice. My legs were asleep. Darn it. I finally found my footing and I survey my surroundings.

Nothing. Wow that was easy. Only the door with no handle or activation pad. Yeah just like a imperial cell without this stupid collar and handcuffs. Well maybe the handcuffs.

The door slid open and revels her majesty. What? She said either of them. I'm gonna have some fun in this horrid place.

"You look well. It's time to see your new home for the rest of your slave hood," she says as her guards grab my shoulders and push me forward with her. We walk out the front of the ship to see a hanger bay connected to a mansion.

All of it was white and shiny. In the hanger bay, multiple slaves came up and took things out of the ship.

One of them was really old and couldn't lift the heavy boxes. I connect into the force and lift the box for him. It goes where it must and I swear for a split second before I was punch the slave said thank you.

"Taylor, don't help the slaves unless I tell you to. Understood?" She asks and I nod. We walk all the way to her throne room. I think that's what it's call. There's a chair on the other side of the room and slaves were cleaning, delivering, and standing guard. How many slaves does this woman have?

"Rico and Getty come here," she shouts
From her chair. Some slaves came up and delivers some reports while I'm stuck chained to the chair.

The ceiling was high and there were two staircases on either side of the room. A chandelier hangs from the ceiling and everything is so white and polish.

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