Key words:pissed off

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[A/n-Konnichiwa minasan!Welcome to chapter two,in this chapter you will be entering you first day of guard duty and like the title says,some people will be pissed off.And enjoy the song of you listen to it]

|M/n pov|
"Ugh....bright....."was all I could say.It's not early in the morning matter of fact it only the afternoon but dew to me waking up facing the window.
"Oi!!M/n.wake up you have to help with guard duty before you go join the night class!"I groaned at his loud voice and threw one of my shoes at the door.
"Okay I'll give you 20 minutes!"
Zero said before walking away from my door.
'Fuck!I'm tired...I rather continue homeschooling,then having to get up guard Night class students from human fangirls!'I sigh in frustration I'm all ready pissed...
~20 time skip~
I finished tying my tie and walked out of my room to be greeted by yuki and zero and we walk out the to the gate of the night dorm.
"Oh here!"yuki hands me an arm band with the day class crest on it,the odd thing is I'm wearing the night class uniform.
"It's so people know your helping with guard duty!"yuki said cleaning up my confusion.
We find a large crowd of girls screaming causing my new forming headache.
"Alright girls step aside the gate is opening!"Zero yelled scaring the girls and they make a path for the night student.We take our positions as they walk by but a few girls thought it would be a good idea and try to get past me and indeed they did.
"Kaname-sama!!!"one of the them pushed me with surprising Force and I feel forward.
"I'm so sorry!!!"The girl yelled but I didn't care at the moment.

"I'm so sorry!!!"The girl yelled but I didn't care at the moment

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After I said that.The night class stoped along with yuki and zero.
I got up and dusted my self off but that didn't work.I was highly upset about my uniform being dirty and it's my first time wearing it!!
"Look she said sorry."The other one said trying to intimidate me.
It didn't faze me but I took a step closer and she took one back.
"M/n it's rude not to accept an apology."i felt a hand on my shoulder,turning my head enough to see Kaname.
'It's it me or he got shorter...or I got taller.Wait now that I think about it I was always taller than him'
I sigh and walk away with Kaname at my side.
"I've never heard you talk so much,are you really mad?"Kaname asked and I nod looking at the dirt stains on the white clothing.I pout and Kaname chuckles softly.
"You're still the same old M/n"I was going to say something but someone jumped on my back.
"M/n-chan I never seen you mad before!"I know that voice anywhere it was Aidou.He jumps off and walks in front of me.
"I'm surprised you spoke!"
The energetic blonde said with a hand on his hip.
'cute' I pat his head and he blushed brighter than a tomato.I turn my back and he climbs on again and I keep walking.
"*sighs*you spoil him to much"
Ichijo said shaking his head.
"'"was all I said and it makes him smile.
"I'm glad your happy but don't spoil him to much,okay?"I smiled sweetly then remembered I had pocky for Shiki and Rima.So I reached into the pocket in my uniform jacket and threw them to Shiki.
"Thanks M/n-chan."Shiki walks closer to me and pulled a bold move.
He kisses my cheek right in front of everyone.
"S-Shiki!?"I was just as surprised as Ruka.But we all laughed and keep walking to class.
We made it to the classroom door and I put Aidou down and walked in first but a book was thrown and Fucking surprise I got hit with it!
I fall flat on my ass with blood running down my face.Due to my frustration my powers started to act up and my body was covered in static causing the book to burn.
"Sorry kid..that wasn't meant for you."

"......"The static died down and I stood up while whipping the blood off my face.
"I thought zero was going to walk though the door."The man with a eye patch said.

|Ichijo's pov|
I glared at toga for his mishap but it was a mistake so I'll let this slide but it still pissed me off.
Everyone takes their seats.I thought M/n was going to sits next to Kaname but instead he takes the seat next to me.
"Here I'll give you the notes from yesterday."I slide the note book over to him and our hands touch sightly making my heart throb and i blushed pulling my hand back.
"?"M/n tilts his head.
"I-it's nothing,I'm fine!"
He may not take much but I know what that face means.He gives me his famous 'I'll find out later face'.M/n only gave me that face because I tell him everything....with the exception of the Huge crush I have on him.
I sigh.
"I have a request."he nods giving me the go ahead to keep talking.
"C-could you sing at my birthday party?!"His eye widen a bit.
"You don't have to if you don't want to!"

" long as it only people I know..."I smiled.Lately he's been talking a lot more but other vampires still call him an antisocial freak.
"Okay then it'll only be Me and the others!"he nods with a smile and we start taking notes.
~Time skip with chibi M/n taking notes with ichijo~
Class was finally over and the rest of our group gathers around and we talk before leaving the classroom.
M/n taps my shoulder.
"What is it?"

"Get on.."he knees down with his back facing me.
"A-are you sure!?"he nod and I climbed on with a bit of hesitation.
He stands up and starts walking.
'I've never noticed this but he's taller than all the male members in Kaname inner circle.'I lay my head on his shoulder feeling relaxed.

|Aidou's pov|
I'm slightly pissed off because I'm the one that normally gets piggy back ride's.
"Stop pouting Aidou,You can't be stingy with M/n."Kain said slapping the back of my head.
"Hey that was uncalled for!"

"Well someone had to knock some sense into you."I pouted like a little kid as we walked back to the dorm.
"Spoil brat."I turn to see zero walking behind us.
"Go away no one wanted your input!"
Zero ignores me and keeps walking.
The air grows cold around me,cold enough to make a few ice shards.
"...Don't..."I stop when hearing my beloved M/n speak.
"Fine I won't do anything."
'You got luck zero,if M/n didn't say anything I would of killed you already but that would make him sad....Fuck there's no way to get ride of Zero'
I felt depressed because there is no way to get ride of him with causing M/n pain.I sighed softly.
Minutes later we reach the night dorm and M/n takes ichijo to his room.Apparently Ichijo fell asleep on his back,so I helped out.
"Here I'll open the door for you."
I opened the room door and stepped aside to let M/n in.He pulls the covers back and puts ichijo in bed and covers him up.

We walk out of the room and down the hall side by side.
"M/n-Chan do you know where your room is?"He shakes his head no.
"I'll show you."I lead him to his room which was three doors down from mine.
"This is your room,So goodnight M/n-Chan I'll see you in the morning!"
I said running off to my own room.

To be continued~
[A/n-Hey guys tell me what you think so far!I hoped you like this chapter.
Don't forget to comment on the story if you have any questions or you just wanna talk!
Ja Mata ne!!]


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