it's time to remember

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[A/n-Konnichiwa minasan!This chapter is going to uncover some things about reader-Chan past with Ichiru and zero,it'll cover what reader-Chan nor zero can remember~So let's begin!]

|M/n pov|
I felt uneasy about this scent...I was familiar to me.I got up and stepped outside to get some fresh air.
It was quiet..but the sound of a bell cut through the silent night.I looked around and seen....Zero?
"Zero.."I called down to him but he didn't  respond so I jumped down and as I got closer I realized the scent isn't the same.
"How dare you call my brothers name in my presents..."I was confused what did he mean by brother.
"Why don't you remember me,we used to play together all the time as kids....all three of us..."

What is he talking body feels numb...Shit my head hurts,why can't I remember why this voice sounds familiar once again.
A name floated to the front of my mind.

"That's go to sleep."before I could react I was jabbed in the neck and I blacked out.
"M/n-Chan!Come on let's play!"
Said a boy with sliver hair.
I nod and he pulls me along.

"Oh that's right!he's already at your house,he went ahead."I smiled at Ichiru and we continue walking.
We played i-spy until we got to my house.
"You two are late!I was getting worried and so was everyone but other than that let's have fun!"
We ran to my room and played happily until I heard my uncle's voice.

"What do you mean?"The twins said at the same time.
"He's please hide."They did as told and ran to my closet.
"Hello nephew....I see your parents haven't killed you yet."I wasn't faze by what he said.
"I don't understand why they let an alpha live...Most alphas are kicked out of their families and left for dead because they can't be controlled like the others."I stared at him blankly,I was feed up with his talking.
"I can't wait for the day they-"

"Silence..."He stopped talking at the command.
"Leave..."He walked out of my room.
I turn to the closest and smile.
"I've never heard you speak in such a scary tone before,And it's not fair how he treats alphas in our society."ichiru said as I walked over.I felt bad they had to here what was said so I gave both of them a hug.
"I'll take you home..."They nod.
On the way we held hands,They were happy so I was happy.
We arrived at their house and a woman with was standing in the door way.
"We'll see you later M/n-Chan!"The twins said running into the house.
~Dream over~
I jolted awake from the dream.
What did he mean by our society...isn't zero a turned vampire....
"That look on your face,do you remember me now M/n-Chan?"
Ichiru said hugging my side and looks up at my face.I nod ne he smiles while cutely tilting his head.

"The secret garden...I know that you don't remember everything but it's a Under ground garden where the Moon Lilly's grow,see that opening there?"He points up at the cave ceiling with a hole in it.
"It allows the moon light to come in,we used to come here all the time..."I pat him on the head and he blushed.
"There's something Important I want to tell you.."ichiru said getting up and taking a step back.I was concerned with his actions.

"Zero and i....we were never human to begin with.The people that took care of us after you disappeared...weren't our real parents and one more thing your past was altered..."
What dose he mean by disappeared and altered....I..I don't understand!
"Explain!"I yelled by accident.
"Me and zero were vampires at birth but we got kidnapped after you disappeared,our powers where sealed away and our past altered by Vampire Hunter's.They attempted to kill our mother Hio.Later on all of our memories where changed because they want her to seem like the bad guy,Your uncle tried to kill you but...something happened and you both went missing haven't you noticed that a blank spot in your memory?"Ichiru stopped talking and looked at the floor.
"Just know that Your family wasn't killed by my was someone else.Our families got along very well."
My head started throbbing. I-I have all my memories...I think...I remember everything that happened
I couldn't think straight my mind was fuzzy,my body felt heavy and my vision was blurry then it went to black.

|ichiru pov|
He fainted,so I walked over to him and sat on the floor and pulled his head into my lap.
"You'll be okay I promise.We'll set things right and make everyone remember.."

"Ichiru take him back to the dorm..."
I turned to look at my mother in Maria's body.
"Okay"I lift him up and draped his arm over my shoulder.
"I got you registered as a night Student."we walked to the Night dorm.I laid him down on the couch.
"Mother you start school tomorrow...and are you sure this plan will work?"I nods before heading out and I follow behind.
"We'll make everything right aging I promise."she smiles sweetly.
I can't wait to have the life we used to...I want M/n and zero to be happy even though Zero is my rival.
I was brought from my thoughts when my mother stopped.
"Ichiru...I know you love M/n just as much as zero but please don't try to kill each other."She giggled and kept walking,I sigh remembering she can read me like a book.
I hope everything goes smoothly for us.

|No ones pov|
~Next day~
Kaien called the three to his office after the night class was escorted to the school.
"I've call you three here because we have a new night class student!"
Kaien said happily.
"Who?"M/n said tilting his head Thinking that ichiru was the new student.
"Her name is Maria,This is her first year in high school due to her health,so M/n I want you to pay close attention to maria."M/n felt a little down because it wasn't the person he was hoping but he nods.

"So where is she?"Zero said getting slightly pissed off due to her not showing up.
"Oh I don't know."The three went slient.
"WHAT!?!?!?!?"They yelled loud enough for the Night class to hear and mere seconds M/n ran off followed by the other two to search for the missing girl.

To be continued~
[A/n-Thanks for reading~
What did you think of the history between you and the twins,was it cute?!Don't forget to comment on the story if you have any questions or you just wanna talk( ^ω^)
Ja Mata ne!!!!]


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