The snow ball~

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|M/n pov|
"Wake up!!wake up!!!!"someone was jumping up and down on my bed trying to wake me up,so I just waved my hand and rolled over.
"Otousan!Get up we promised to help yuki-oba with the decorations!NOW GET UP!!!!"I felt my body rise off the soft bed and soon came the falling sensation....and the floor.
"I'm....up..."I said in a Sleepy voice.
"Good I won't have to do that again!Get dressed!"

"So scary..."

"What was that?"I shake my head and walks out the room.
She reminds me of zero when I ate his slice of cake...that was the worst time to get chased around.
I sighed and put on a regular F/c shirt and and some black pants and some slides..
"Good morning M/n-Senpai."
I turn to see Ichijo standing at the door with a cup of coffee.

"You might need this to keep up with lumi~And don't forget today we also need to get your suit.So are you going to match with Lumina?"I nod and he giggles cutely and hands me the coffee.
"Otousan~I'm dying of old age waiting for you!"I sigh and give ichijo a peck on his forehead as a thank you for the coffee.And he wishes me good luck.
Ichijo would be an adorable wife~
But at the same time zero would be that tsundere wife,Aidou a spoiled wife,Shiki a wife with a sweet tooth,
Ichiru the worried wife,Kain the overly chill wife and Kaname the busy wife.
Stuck in my thoughts I hadn't realized that were at the school.
"M/n!Lumi!I'm glad you guys are here to help I hope I didn't mess up any plans."

"No worries."I said patting Yuki on the head but also gaining odd looks from her classmates.
This is going to be a long day but it Worth seeing my favorite girls happy.

|Kaname pov|
I was sitting in my room looking outside.I saw M/n,Lumina and of course yuki helping out.
I give it three hours and he'll
Be out...*sigh*I would love to help out..but u have to keep an eye out for Maria....
"You can come from the shadows now.."

"I see you still devote your heart to our alpha..."I sighed softly and look at the person.

"I sighed softly and look at the person

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"Are you angry?"I asked on impulse.
And he gives me a Bitch face.
" face is always like this...."

" apologies..."

"Hn..why watch from afar when you can be up close?"I sigh and his questions.Why dose he ask that so's annoying.
"Why hide in the shadows when you can be reunited with him..."He didn't answer so I continued with the question.
"Why hide memories when you can share?Why run,when you can apologize?Why...WHY ABANDON HIM!WHEN YOU COULD OF PROTECTED HIM!?"my eyes widened when I realized I yelled and he was no longer in the room.
"Why won't you tell me..."

"Kaname what wrong!?"Ichijo ran in my room with his sword drawn ready to fight.
"Sorry...a conversation over the phone got heated,no need to worry..."
He nod and leaves my room.

|Zero pov|
"Why is he on the floor?"

"He's tired because he did most of the heavy lifting.."Lumina said poking M/n and he groaned.
"Oi!Get off the floor..."


"Oh no you don't!we have to get your suit for tonight and I will drag you into town!"I yelled grabbing his ankle and started walking.
~Time skip~
He got off the floor when we reached the gate but now we're in town and St the Tailor.
"Here you go!Please visit us again!"
We leave the store and walk past a cafe.
"Can we?"

"S-sure we have time....Holy shit!We  have to go!I'm not even ready nor is yuki!Well come next time."
M/n holds up his pinky and smiles.

"Y-yeah promise!"I blushed and linked my pinky with his..
Just like old times....but I can't help but feel like an idiot for not noticing....
I looked at his wrists.
~Time skip to the snow ball~
"I feel stuffy in this suit..."

" look nice..."M/n was standing at my door smiling and god did he look hot...
I would love to take that suit off of him...wait no!Stop thinking about That!
"Zero-Chan you look nice!!"

"Thanks little one,and you look adorable~"Lumina giggles and blushes.
"Shall we?"I nod and we walk towards the ball room.
"Are you ready to be around the day class?"

"Yeah.."I smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek making Lumina fangirl.
"Guys hurry up were waiting for you!"Yuki yelled out to us.
We finally walked into the ball room to see everyone enjoying their time.
"You look nice M/n."Kaname walks up and it was like I didn't exist.
"Oh and you too zero."

"Whatever.."without a second thought I walked away but Lumina followed me.
"Can you dance with me?!"

"Yeah."I smiled at her and we danced to the music.

|Yuki pov|
I ran the room Maria said to meet in.
"What a good girl you are yuki~"

" zero.."Maria smiles at me and beckons me to her side.
"I'll just turn you,okay?"
I was scared but the door opens displaying a guy with the same hair color as zero and he was holding a woman.Maria runs over and touched the woman.
"It feels good to be back in my old body~"then I knew who she was.
"S-shizuka!"I tried to run but she grabbed my arm.
"You have to hold up your end of the deal~"

"Let her go!"Zero yelled bursting through the door.

|No ones pov|
Zero and M/n noticed That yuki was gone.M/n pointed out that Maria was missing too and knew someone was wrong.
" here!"M/n said running towards Shizuka with a dagger but ichiru blocked his attack.
"Why..."M/n questions ichiru with a sad face and zero was also confused.
"Zero..M/n...I protect her because she our mother!"Zero stares at shizuka and ichiru.
"She's lying to you!"Zero yelled

"It's true!Someone locked our memories away!"ichiru said stand as a shield in front of her.
"M/n...please believe me..."ichiru said pleading.Please M/n if you believe me things will end good.
Ichiru was in his thoughts but it was like the world was against him making peace.
"Let her speak."Kaname soon entered the room.She nods and was getting ready to but a gun shot was heard and shizuka was falling forward.the world was moving in slow motion.
Zero ran and caught her.
"S-shizuka!"zero said shaking her.

"I-I'm sorry I p-put you thought so much my son take my blood and you shall be whole again..."
Zero didn't understand but did as told.
He drank her blood.
" were born a pure blood...both of you...But when the hunters came they killed your father and M/n's parents...T-they brain washed everyone and made it seem like I was the one that did everything."the room was riddled with silence and she continues.
"They sealed away both your powers and made you forget what you really are...and put...everyone against me...but I'm happy now that the truth is out..."Shizuka was slowly fading...her body stared to disappear.
"No!please don't go!"Zero cried out but it was too late.she was trace of her.M/n ran over and hugged Zero and ichiru.
"Dont cry...we know the truth...."
But what they didn't know is they where being watched.
"Everything will be day I'll come from the shadows and we'll be together again soon my dear M/n."

To be continued~
[A/n-Konnichiwa minasan!what do you think about our new mystery character,zero and ichiru being shizuka's sons?Don't forget to comment on the story if you have any questions or you just wanna talk.
Ja Mata ne!!!!!!!]


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