Can I call you otousan pt.2

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[A/n-Konnichiwa minasan!this chapter has a three month time skip and a new character!]

|No ones pov|
Three months ago the group found out that zero and ichiru are Pure bloods and the sons of shizuka.
Things got better from them everyone got along a bit better but some people are changing.
M/n started talking a bit more than usually.

Lumina is learning how to hunt and use the other half of her powers.

Ichiru started going to cross academy during the night class of course.

Zero is also apart of the night class but still helps yuki during the day when the night class transition to the school.
He no longer tries to kill Kaname because he's a vampire but for other reasons[Hint hint]

Kaname is more truthful with M/n aka telling him about stealing his sweaters.
Everything was well except for today..
"I...I can barely even breathe... someone, please help me. *coughs up blood* Why... why won't I die? Why must I be this way? *coughs and groans in pain* P-please... kill me."
Said a pained voice as he attempts to crawl to his creator.
"I will...but first you'll have to kill someone for me...She escaped her faith...Now be a good boy and find Lumina and if you don't kill her I'll erase your memories~"A woman said to the boy who was in pain.He let's out a growl as his wounds heal and runs off.

|M/n pov|
I was watch Lumina from the window as she made flower crowns in the garden sitting next to the big cherry blossom tree.
"I'm surprised to see you do this morning."

"Morning..ichiru.."He brought over a cup of coffee.Ichiru and zero now have longer hair.It makes them look very cute.I began to reach for the cup but I heard a scream coming from outside.
"Lumina!"I saw Lumi climb the tree to avoid the wolf below but that see to work as the wolf makes its way up the tree.
I jumped out of the window and ran over and grabbed the wolf by its tail yanking it down.

I jumped out of the window and ran over and grabbed the wolf by its tail yanking it down

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"Must...kill....girl..."I took a step back as he growled at me.
It can talk?Wait what dose it want with lumi.
He barks and lashed out at me I wasn't quick enough because he bit my hand.
"Shit.."he kept growing and shacking his head.
"G-get o-out of my h-head!!!"He yelled rubbing his head on the ground.
"Otousan!There's something wrong with wolf-Chan!Someone is controlling him!"I looked at my hand and back at the wolf.
I took slow steps towards the wolf but his head snaps up.
"Come mad wolf Wag your tail and bit me!"

"With pleasure!!"And just like that my plan worked.He bit my arm which allowed me blood to flow into his mouth.I kicked him off of me and watched as a light took over his body.
"Ugh....w-where am I..."

A boy replace the wolf and he look rather timid

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A boy replace the wolf and he look rather timid.He had a pair of wolf ears and a fluffy tail.
"What's going on!?"yelled Kaname as he and the others ran over to us.
"He was attacking Lumina..."

"Who are you!?"ichijo had the sword at his throat and the young boy shook in fear.
Why is he so scared now?just a few minutes ago he was ready to kill Lumina...but he did seem off his eyes where dull and animals normally love Lumina.
"Calm down..."I said putting my hand oh ichijo's shoulder and he lowers the sword.
"Your name."

"M-Minori....I-I think...."He made a not to sure face and looks at my hand and arm.He licks my hand and my wounds start to heal.
"I'm sorry...."Minori's ears flatten on his head and he avoids eye contact.
He looked like a puppy that got scolded for chewing on his owners slippers.
What's with that collar
I raised my eyebrows at the collar and the small flashing lights that came from it.I reached for it and he flinched.
"I'm not going to hurt you..."
He nods and stays still as I unhooked the collar and his eyes turn from grey to a baby blue.

|Lumina pov|
I was hiding behind yuki at first but i decided to peak around her.
Otousan took the collar off Minori and he rubs his cheek against oto-sans hand.
Oh I know what he's doing!He's saying thank you,that's soooo cute!
I smiled and walked over to the timid Wolf boy.
"My name is Lumina,I hope we can be friends!"

"You want to be my friend after I tried to kill you!?"

"Yep!Otousan said that everyone has a reason for doing something and most of the time it's not because they want to."He gave me a small but shy smile.
I held my hand out to him and he takes it.
"Do you have anywhere to live?"

"Not that I know of...I can't really remember to much about myself."
I frowned while thinking.
"Otousan can he-"

"Yes,I'll get him a room..."

"Yay!"I was happy now I have a friend around my age to play with!

|Minori pov|
Mister M/n leads me to a big room.

"You mean I get this whole room to myself?"he nods with a smile.
"Hey,what happened?"
M/n said pointing at my neck making me reach and touch my neck.
Wait is that a scar?where is a mirror.
I ran into the room and found a hand mirror and for sure there was a scar.
"To be honest with you I'm not to sure,The only thing I remember is appearing here...."

"It's okay,come with me."I nod and follow him outside and up to a gate.


"I can't go out in public like this!"
I said pointing at my ears and tail.
He takes off his hoodie and hands it too me.
"This should work."
We walked beyond the gate and into the town.
"So many people..."

"Stay close."I picked up the pace and walked by his side.
He took me to some clothes store and told me to pick out an outfit and so I did.

He took me to some clothes store and told me to pick out an outfit and so I did

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I fixed my messy hair and noticed my eyes change colors again.
Why is that happening...
I walked out of the changing room
"How do I look?"

"Adorable~"M/n said patting my head.
He paid for the clothes.we walked out of the store and leans down with his back towards me.
"Get on"

"O-okay!"I got on his back and he gets up then starts walking.
He so nice....why dose he remind me of someone...Warm,caring and nice..even the few words he says mean a lot more than expected..He like a father.
"Hey M/n-San can I call you-"

"Yes you can."

"Wait I didn't even finish my sentence,how did you know?"
I could feel a rumbling coming from he laughing?
"Because Lumina asked the same question.."I leaned my head against his back.

"Minori,We're family now...don't think your in this world alone anymore because you have me,Lumina and the others and with that will protect you..."

To be continued~
[A/n-Never thought I was going to make a part two but I felt like giving Lumina a brother....a wolf brother and tbh I thought it would be cute~
So what did you think about this chapter?
Don't forget to comment on the story if you have any questions or you just wanna talk!
Ja Mata ne!!!]


[Slight editing]

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