A not so calm day

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|Haise pov|
It's a normal morning for me since I'm the only one up.For some odd reason I keep humming this song in my head.
"You're up early,why's that?"

"Hmmm,no reason I like the sun now and again and the same for you too Toga-san.Why are you up?"The male shrugged and sat at the table with me.
"What's some tea?"

"Sure and hey did you sit on super because that ass is sweet~"I chocked on my tea at the corny pick up line.
"That's was so corny it almost killed me!"I busted out laughing when I was able to breathe.I whipped the tears from the corner of my eyes and toga was staring at me with this gaze.
"Something on my face?"

"Yeah a smile~"

"Okay that one I can deal with."
We continue to talk and he kept using stupid pick up lines that made me cringe and laugh at the same time and by the end of our conversation my chest was hurting from laughing.

|M/n pov|
I got a call from someone number and they haven't stopped so...I finally answered after 4 hours..
Why are you calling me?I'm kinda irritated now...

Well if you picked up four hours ago we would have this problem...
*clears throat*
M/n Aoi am I correct?


My name is Shisui...I need your help...are you willing to listen?

I'm still on the phone...so yeah....

I'm looking for a young boy...He has bright orange hair and if you see him don't let him onto the school grounds,You and everyone will be in-

*Call disconnected*

"Yo?"Kaien said walking into my room and walking over to me.
"That's new for you to be on the phone..who was it?"

"His name is Shisui....We need to get the others now!"I pulled with me in a hurry.

|Yuki pov|
I was walking with Haise-sensei and toga-sensei....and I feel like a third wheel...they seems so flirty and pretty much in love....I ship them so hard and Rima owes me money...
"Hey what's that?"Toga caught me and Haise by surprise and we look where he's pointing..there was a mop of bright orange hair and he was unconscious!

The three of us broke out into a run to see if the boy was alright.
"Can you hear us?!"Haise said gently shacking the young boy.
"I-I'll go get Aki-San!"

"Hurry!"Both males urged me to hurry and ran as fast as my legs could carry me.

I burst into the office huffing and puffing try to catch my breath.
"Yuki dear what's wrong?"

"Kid*pants*n-needs help!"

"What dose he look like!?"

"Very bright o-orange hair and kinda has a baby face."Aki and Cross froze up and looked at each other with panicked expression.Aki pulled out a Scythe.

And she jumped out the window and struck out running

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And she jumped out the window and struck out running.
"What's happening!?"

"That kid is dangerous!We need to lock down the school now."
I'm so confused!I need to find zero and ichiru

|Ichijo pov|
It's still morning and everyone is up and highly confused about what was going on.M/n started talking about some kid with bright orange hair and I just so happened to look out the window and spot orange...
"M-M/n!!!There outside!"everyone jumped up and ran out.
"Haise don't-"M/n yelled but didn't finish when a strong gust of wind pushed us all back.

"Stay back..."She then turns back to the kid was now wide awake.
"Look time now see Kaori.."

"Hehehehe~It's been too long~"The voice came out deep and smooth yet deadly.Wait I've heard that name before but...where..

"He's a threat to the nobles,He calmed killing the pure blood will bring equality...it will only rain pain and suffering to the vampire Race...with out them things will spiral out of control and well that's the end because nobles are more important than you think."
Then I realize....
"Y-your Kaori..the traitor..."

"Bingo."M/n ran over and stood in front of me with his sword drawn ready to kill and before anyone could more there was a shout.
"Don't hurt that body!"

Another male appears and he was panting heavily

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Another male appears and he was panting heavily.

"You know him m/n?"M/n nods and stands down.
This is getting ridiculous!

|Shisui pov|
I've got to start working out...Aki still looks fit as ever...I've let myself go but that doesn't matter...made it in time.
"Leave the body now and I'll let you live.."

"What about queen Aki,Huh?"

"Oh I can't control my childhood friend...trust me I tried..."Aki rubs the back of her head and looked away.
"I think me not killing you will buy you about less than four minutes to run...so leave This students body..."

"You lie...soon as I exit this body she coming straight for me...so no!"He sticks his tongue out at me,making my eye twitch.
This son of a Bitch is childish...He's over 12 thousand and he's acting like a god damn child!I will punch-Shit then I'll hurt the kids cute face so that's out of  questions...
"So do people still mistake you for a woman~Because you act like one~"

"That's it come at me you son of a Bitch!"

"So you've met my mother!"I deadpanned at his come back or that's if you can call it that.

"Aki this isn't the time to laugh!"My best friend was now on the floor trying....get what I said trying not to laugh.
"It's funny because it's true!"

"Aki I swear you can never be serious for one moment,Fucking fight me!"

"You wanna go?!Then let's go!"We started bickering kinda forgetting everything else around us.
"Ummm...Guys...are you done?"M/n asked walking over to us.
"Huh?"Both me and Aki gave him a confused look and then we remember the task at hand.
"Oh....ummmm..."Kaori had that'are you serious face'
"I can come back later.."

"No!"Everyone yelled at him.Then I saw Kaien sneaking up on him and...
"Got'em!"And just like that He was tied down with sliver lined Rope...
"Wow...I should of done that instead of arguing with Aki..."

"You think?"All the young Vampire's said in unison.jeez I swear Being around your best friend can make you forget things that are important...
"So what so we do?"

"Well....we wait for him to come out."

To be continued~


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