protecting others is key

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|Lumina's pov|
I yelled running towards afraid the would get hurt.
"Rose thorn storm!!!"
Yuki and zero are now behind me as the thorns rise from the ground and onto the Level E vampire.
"Got you!"They rap themselves around The vampire and squeeze.
"...I'll help..."Otousan said standing next to me covered in Lightning that soon flew into our enemy.
"Whoa!!!That was cool Otousan can you teach how to do that!?"

"Thanks for helping us,Lumina."
Zero said patting my head with a small smile.
"I've never used my powers in that way before..."

"Why's that?"Kaname-Chan kneels down to my level.
"Because I always had people protecting me...But something bad happened and they told me to come here...."I felt sad because everyone I used to know is gone.

|Yuki pov|
So she like just like zero and M/n....
I walked over and gave her a hug.
"It's okay now,you have us will be your family."

"Really!So I just won't have Otousan but everyone else as well?"
I nod and she hugs me tightly.
"Hey Lumina how about we go get some ice cream from the kitchen?"

"Yes please!"I giggled at her hyper-ness,in many ways she like Aidou when it comes to sweets.
"H-hey can I join!?"And as if on que Aidou jumped near us.
"Better yet how about we all go?"
Kaname suggested and everyone nods.We all had ice cream and surprisingly zero didn't try to kill Aidou for putting his Spoon in his ice cream,even though He had his hand on his gun.After everyone finished eating M/n picked up a sleepy Lumina.

"Good night M/n."We share a smile and he leaves for the night dorm with the others.Now it's just me and zero.
"That was fun,we should do this again don't you think zero?"

"Yeah..sure but next time it's just going to be M/n and Lumina...the others can Fall off the fave of the earth."I giggled because it's seems like he getting along with them.
"I see your getting along with them."

"How so?"

"You did wish death on them for once and you seemed pretty happy.."
Zero didn't say anything and keep washing the dishes.I wonder what he's thinking about....

|Zero's pov|
The only reason I was happy was because M/n was next to me nothing more to it.
I finished cleaning and went to my room,change in to some short and lay on the bed.
"I'm only happy when he's happy...."
I turn on my side looking at the picture on my night stand along with my gun.
"Good night....M/n"
"Hey M/n cross what us to go into town to get some things."
I said talking to a young M/n.
He nods and put his shoes on and we leave the house.
"Is there a reason why you don't talk?"He nods his head.
"It's okay to talk around me a bit if you want.."I was fooling myself to think that he would say one word.
"Okay..."I tripped over something at the sound of his voice.
It was smooth for someone his age.
"!?"He gave me a confused look and helped me up off of the floor.
"Sorry I didn't expect for you to say anything,I'm fine so don't worry."
He nods with a smile and we keep walking.

We make it into town and we gather all we need but we got lost thanks to M/n curiosity.
"M/n did you really have to follow The crow?"I looked over at him with a crow sitting on his head.
He nods and the fluffy crow nods too.
"*sigh*Okay let's find a way back home before sun down."We continue walking around but 's something didn't feel was like someone was watching our every move.

"Get down.."I turned to look at M/n but held a face that was serious.
Then I heard foot steps approaching us at a fast rate so I got down to the ground.
I didn't know what to do.
"...Kneel..."The other vampire stopped in his tracks.
"W-what happening!?"it's like he doesn't have any control over his body.I looked up at M/n to see lightning flickering around his body.
His face filled with anger.
They say lightning never strikes twice in the same area,how wrong they are.
It was over in a flash and the level E was on the floor dead.
"We should leave now!"I jumped off the floor and grabbed his hand and we ran with everything we had.

"Sorry it took us so long,so here's all the things you wanted."cross greeted us when we walked in
"Oh thanks you my lovely son~!!"

"Whatever..."I walked away only to notice that M/n was following behind me.
"What is it?"

"...Protecting..."One word this time,I'm guessing he's still worried I might get hurt.someone who doesn't talk much
shows their emotions and act out what they want others to know.
I stand on my tippy toes and gave him a peck on the cheek.
"I-I'm fine now s-so don't worry."
We both smile.
~end of dream~
When I woke up I felt Good...
"Protecting others..."

|Shiki's pov|
It's morning now I can't go back to sleep.So I left my room and head to M/n's.I knocked on the door and waited for him to open the.

"Yes,I have nothing to do and everyone else is sleep.C-can I spend some time with you?"
M/n-Chan nods stepping to the side allowing me in his room.
I sat down on the chair but he pats the area next to him on his bed.
"You want me to sit next to you?"

"Yeah."I got up from the chair and shyly sat next to him.He was reading a book and I joined him.
~Time skip~
I don't really remember falling asleep but when I woke up I was face to M/n chest...I blushed because I've never really been this close to him for so long.I stayed quiet and admired his smell....And odd enough he smells like
F/f[A/n-Favorite flower].It's a nice smell.
"Why can't I have you all to myself..."
I whispered.

To be continued~
[A/n-Hey guys what your opinion on the relationship Zero and M/n hand in the dream?Was it cute?
And Shiki is way occ in chapter couldn't help it I wanted to make it seem like he talks more than M/n.
So don't forget to comment on the story if you have any questions or you just wanna talk.
Ja Mata ne!!!!]

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