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[A/n-Nya!!!~Konnichiwa minasan,Sorry for the wait.Oh and my Story First love has hit 1K!!!
I was so happy I jumped for join in class and had people looking at me crazy but what can I say,I'm the one and only Lazy mad hatter!]

|Lumina pov|
I was walking around the halls looking for otousan.I turned the corner and bumped into some one.
"I-I'm sorry!"

"No it's my fault for not paying attention!"I looked up at a girl around Auntie Yuki's height.
"Lumina-Chan who's that with you?"
It was mister Aidou.
"I don't know...what your name?"

"Maria and I'm new here.."
She looked lost and kinda scared.
"Oh!I'm Lumina and my otousan is looking for you."I grabbed her hand and led her to the class and on the way we bumped into Yuki.
"Auntie Yuki!I found the girls your looking for."

"Ah!Thank you little one~"
She past my head and we enter the  class.
"Is there a reason your here?"

"I'm not here to see you that's for sure."I fold my arms and look away from Toga.
"Be...nice"otousan appears  behind me and pats my head.
"My lord!"

"Huh!?"she runs up to otousan and hugged him as If she knew him!?
She bold...I don't like how she hugging my Otousan
"Show some respect!One dose not just hug the pure blood without permission!"Aidou said walking closer to them But otousan puts his hand up.

|M/n pov|
"Calm.."After I said that Aidou backed off.I looked down at the girl hugging me.

"Yes that's me!"
She steps back and smiles up at me.
Something about her is off to me But I shouldn't be judgemental.
I was going to say something but I was cut off by Kaname.
"Take your seat,We're in the middle of class."I sighed at his demanding voice
She looks over at Kaname and starts walking his way,she then jumps in front of him.
"So you must be Lord Kaname?It's an honor to meet a high rank beta."
All I could think of was the work shit.
I could feel Kaname's power rise.

"Fine I'll listen this time but if she steps out of line again,you won't be able to save her next time."
He seemed pissed off at me but knowing him he won't stay mad at me for long.
I walk over to him and take my seat.
"I thought you where going to sit with ichijo today?"

"Is is wrong to sit with you?"
I touched his arm and his body tenses up.I looked at his face to see red painted across his face.
Oh god!Is he sick!?I panicked on the inside thinking he was sick.
"What wrong M/n-Chan?"

"Are you sick!?"I said in a hushed/panicked tone.Kaname just looks at before laughing.
"Your so silly~"
I tilted my head in confusion.
"Pay attention in class before I kill you."

"....I'd like to see you try...."
Toga seem baffled at my reply and just stared at me.
I forgot he hasn't really heard my voice before.I never noticed but he dose have a cute face...
He clears his throat while blushing and turns back to the board and continue's to teach.
~Time skip~
Class was over but toga had an announcement.
"As you may know the winter ball is coming up but before hand you have an exam tomorrow.Pass that exam in order to attend,that's all."Toga gathers his things and leaves the room.
I looked out the window to see Zero.
I was going to say hello but Maria landed on the table and cuffed my cheeks,making me look up at her.
"Such pretty E/c Eyes you have Lord M/n...I could just stare in them all day."I took a step back from her.
"How dare you put your hands on him!"Aidou yelled.
"The hell? Excuse me boy, you think you can talk that way to me?"Maria said To Aidou.She was getting ready to walk off until I noticed that she was standing on my note book.So I tugged on her uniform to get her attention.
"What is it?"

"My note book..."She looks down and backs up in a hurry.
"I-I'm s-so sorry!"She said before Running out of the class.
I looked down at said note book that had a foot print on it.

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