Enters:Haise Aoi

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A/n-enjoy the calm music🎶🎶
|M/n pov|
It's been a few days and I met our queen...and she not what I expected...she very silly and she teaches the nigh class with toga.
"Lovely night yeah?"

"Yes ma'am-"

"Just Aki is fine..I'm not one for being formal and ma'am makes me feel old~"
We both chuckle.It's always like this before class starts and not to mention she keeps toga from throwing knives at us.
Today we only took note's which took up about 30 minutes of class and it was odd because toga was no where in sight so everyone was able to breathe easy..and ask questions.
"Hmmm,I guess that's it for today,so do as you please just don't Fuck shit up."with that Aki left the room.

"Is it me or was today easy and non- threatening?"Aidou was the first to speak and everyone agreed.
"Maybe we have a new student like last time?"

"Dear god we don't need another Maria...I don't feel like buying a new note book..."I said looking at the one I have now.I will not lie I was highly upset about my note book.
Everyone laughed at my statement.
I looked down at my lap to see yasha in his crow form sleep.
So cute~unlike the rest of us he sleeps at night..
I ran my fingers over his Feathers.
"Sorry about the delay,we have one new students and teacher but they won't be attending today."

"We already took the notes"I said and toga nods.
"Well do whatever you want then."
And he walks back out.
"That was...."Ichiru started.

"Very quick..."Zero finished.Normally toga would give us more work to do but I guess he's tired?So we got up and went to the garden.
«Time skip»
"Hey otousan!"

"Hello lumi,nori~"The lavender hair girl ran and hugged me along with Minori.
"M/n,want some Pocky?"

"Yes,thank you Shiki."Shiki took one out the pack and fed it to me which surprised me a bit but he became more bold than before.
"Why is it so calm today?"yasha said now in his human form.
"No clue but the calm is much needed."Kaname said sitting underneath the tree and reading.
"Um excuse me,is the night class out already?"the voice sounded familiar to me and when I looked I was confused.

"Um excuse me,is the night class out already?"the voice sounded familiar to me and when I looked I was confused

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He looked like my bother...same H/c hair as me...but a lot darker than mine.He smiled sweetly.

"Yep...I finally got it memorized..."
What dose he mean by that...

|Haise pov|
it took me a very long time to remember who i was and what happened to me.
"How did you find me?"

"Simple I meet this really goofy guy and his girlfriend who happens to be our Queen in the market yesterday!"
M/n looked so happy and I just noticed something...
"Holy shit your talking!!!!!"

"Well allot more that is...*sigh*it's so great to see you after a-all this time..."
M/n moved a hand to his face.
Yep he going to cry~just like when I left for a week and came home,he cried when he saw me but....this time it's been 11 years...
I pulled my younger brother into a hug.
"I missed you Lil bro...I bet mom and dad are happy were together again..."
Our crying turned into laughter.
"Wait who's the new student then?"ichiru and Zero said.

"Good question but I heard they won't be here until next month...but I start teaching next week."After that I was introduced to the other and of course I knew Kaname,zero and Ichiru.
It was interesting to each personality....The thing is which is going to fit my little brother?
«Time skip»
It was now morning and the day class students were in class....I forgot to close my damn curtains to the sun beamed in my eyes,so I had no choice but to get up.
"I wounder...."I got up and walked over to the door of my room and opened it to see no one and thought why the hell not?

This place was a lot bigger than expected and I got lost...shame on me,right.
"What are you doing up?"

"O-oh mister t-toga good morning,Umm as you probably could tell....I'm lost...."I said rubbing the back of my head sheepishly.I felt like he would glare at me but he simply pats my head.
"Follow me,I'll lead you to your room."

"Thanks!"we walked side by side not saying a word.It was kinda awkward...and silent...a very deadly silent...
"So mister toga...how old are you?"

"29.what made you ask?"we stopped walking and he tilts his head.
He's not much older than me...
"Ummm,Do you...umm want to get coffee together some time?"Toga-San only smiled and ruffled my simi long H/c hair.
"Sure you seem very sophisticated,how about we go today if that's not to much trouble?"
Wow...that was easier than expected..he's a lot kinder than what Karin said.
"Where to?"

|Toga pov|
I took him to a nice café in town and the whole time people keep staring at us...
"Are those teachers from the night school?"

"Their so beautiful,I feel like and outside amount royalty!"
I raised a black eyebrow at the comments.
"You'll get used to it in no time,it's best to act like they don't exist."

"Easy for you to say,One of us is a vampire and the other is Mortal."
We both shared a laugh.I'll admit he's easy to talk to.
I opened the door for him and we take the seat in the far back but no matter how hidden we are people still seem to see us and gossip.
"So umm what happened for you to lose your memories,if you don't mind me asking?"

"I'm not sure actually,I kinda don't remember that,I only remember who I am and my little brother...hmmmm after that I draw a huge blank!"
He's so cheerful about it!
"I know I'm odd right...but there's no point in going through life sulking about thing you can't remember...so why no make new memories for the long run,yeah?"

He reminds me of someone I know....will knew...but I couldn't put my finger on it.We ordered coffee and two slices of cake.we're getting ready to eat...that's until...
"That can't be good!"I paid the bill and asked the cashiers to rap our cake and hold them for us.We ran outside and down to where the scream came from.

"I smell two level E's in the area!"shit I only have my knife...
"I got this!"As we got closer there was hand like shadows running across the walls.This must be his doing....maybe I should hang back and see what he's capable of.
Once we turned the corner the shadows jumped of the walls and grabbed the level E's.
Wait I've seen this before....I think they call it the shadow grab....Once your pulled into the endless void there are two things that can happen...
1.You'll be sent somewhere else and live..
2.You'll die by the hands of what ever is in there...
So that means Haise inherited it from his father...wait are those eyes....and a mouth!?That must be the demon on the inside....
"Today you meet your end."Both were pulled in...
"Sorry did that disturb you?"

"Not at all"But what I wanted to say was 'that was sexy as hell' but I didn't want to make things awkward so I keep that thought to myself.He smiled and locked arms with me as we walked back to the cafe.
It's Something about the Aoi family that just brings people in...undying charm....yeah let's leave it like that....

To be continued~


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