Can I call you otousan?

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[A/n-Konnichiwa minasan!This chapter as you can see by the title,M/n(aka you)will have a little visitor and they will be adorable!And if it's underlined like this.That means Reader-Chan is writing on paper and showing it to someone.]

|No ones pov|
M/n,yuki and zero head off for guard duty for the fourth time this week and M/n seems to be getting the hang of it...maybe.
"Alright girls make way for the Night class!"yuki yell's caching their attention But for some odd reason
M/n was occupied with something else.Zero seen his lack of interest in the guard duty.
"What's wrong M/n?"Zero said calmly walking up to the taller male.
"There..."Was all M/n said while pointing at some trees and bushes off to the side.
"What about it?"Zero said confused.M/n was somewhat determined to find out what was in the bush and pulled zero with him.
Zero puts a hand on his gun ready to pull it out but was stopped by M/n as he shakes his head with a finger up to his lips.
"Why are you telling me to be quit?"
Zero said raising an eyebrow,M/n points at a little girl sleeping by a tree.

|Zero pov|
It was a kid!If M/n didn't stop me I would of shot her!
"W-what are we going to do?"
M/n walks over to the girl and drape's his uniform jacket over the mystery girl and picks her up.

"Let's...ask Kaien."M/n starts walking off and I follow behind him.
"Guys I can't do this on my-Who is that!?"yuki said running over to us.
"Don't know but we're going to Kaien office to see what we can do about her."yuki nods and the damn pure blood walks up.Don't get me wrong I hate all pure bloods except M/n.
"She a pure bloods but I've never seen her before..."Kaname said only loud enough for me and M/n to hear.
"..come.."M/n said to Kaname and we all walk Kaien's office.

We're now starting at the door and I knocked earning a come in from the other side.
"We have a problem."

"And what will that be my dear son-Who's the kid?"I shake my head and explained where we found her.
"So she was just sleeping out there but how did she get on school grounds?"

"That's what we want to know..."
There was a yawn that caught me,Kaname and Kaien off guard and we all turn around to see the girl waking up.
"Where am I?"her voice came out soft
And sleepy sounding.
"Cross Academy and what's your name and why are you here?"M/n holds his hand up telling me to stop.

|M/n pov|
I pat her head and she giggles a bit.I moved her from my lap to the floor and hand her the bag I found with her.She smiled and happily takes it.

"Lumina?"I said bending down so the I was eye to eye with the young pure blood

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"Lumina?"I said bending down so the I was eye to eye with the young pure blood.
"Yep!My name it Lumina what your name?"I smiled and picked up a piece of paper and pen not to far from her.
"My name is M/n Aoi,I hope you don't mind this..I don't fancy talking very much."
Lumina nods and smile as the others introduce themselves.
"Okay Lumina I want you to to go with M/n for now,if you don't mind."
Lumina jumps up and nods.She gathers all her belongings.
I grab her hand and we walk to my room.
"How old are you?"Lumina asked looking up at me.

"Wow!I'm only 10!"I smiled at her cheerfulness.
'So cute and cheerful!'
We make it to my room and I write on a piece of paper again.
"You can sleep in my bed when you get sleepy"

"Where will you sleep?"She said worryingly.
"On the small couch over there,I'll be fine so rest easy little one."
She smiles,gets on the under the covers and I tuck her in.

"*yawn*That's the first time I heard your voice...Hey can I call you Otousan?"I brushed her hair out of her face as she dozed off.

"Goodnight Otousan..."She falls asleep soon after.I stand up from the bed side and leave the room and someone was waiting for me.

|Kain pov|
M/n walked out of his room with an confused look.
"Kaname asked me to check on you."
He gave me a 'you were worried about me as well.'
"N-no I was just following orders."
I felt heat rush to my face and I turned away and start to walk away.
"Liar"was all I heard as I was pinned to the wall.I was confused on why he did this.
"What are-!"I stopped in the middle of my sentence and my eyes widened.M/n's eyes where red.
'Where are his blood tablet's!?'
As he gets closer to my neck I frantically search his body for the small case and I found it,got one tablet and shoved it into his mouth.
"Now I see why he was haven't been taking your blood tablets like your supposed."I said regaining my composure.
"...Sorry..."He apologized and looked at me.His eyes where back to the normal E/c.
"It's fine,let's go the rest must be wondering why were not in-class yet."
~Time skip~
Class was boring and toga tried to hit me with a  knife today...lame,Class let out and now we're on our way to the dorm.
"Otousan!!!!!"my head snapped to the left and u saw a little girl running our way.

|Lumina pov|
~20 minutes earlier~
I was walking around with Yuki-Chan after she found me.We waited for the class to let out.
"Yuki-Chan can I ask you something?"

"Sure!What is it?"yuki said shifting to her side as we lay in the grass.
"Why doesn't Otousan talk?"

"Well he told me when he was little the other pure bloods used to bully him allot.So he stopped talking to everyone afraid that the people close to him would do the same."
I sat up with a frown on my face.
"Why would they do that!?"

"Beats me...I'm guessing they probably knew he was stronger and the best way to make themselves feel better was to put him down."Yuki looked sad when she said this.
I got up and ran towards the The School.As I run I see Otousan.
"Otousan!!!!!"I jumped and hugged him.
"Your nice and awesome!So don't think otherwise!!"he hugs me back.
I pull back and give him a kiss on the forehead and he chuckled softly.
"How is that?"There was a boy with blonde hair pointing at me with a pout glued to his face.
"Aidou be nice,her name is Lumina and M/m found her."The guy with brown hair said.
'I think his name was Kaname?'
"Otousan...who are they?"
But before he could answer the Blondy speaks again.
"My name is Aidou and how dare you call one of our pure bloods something other than his name!?"
'He's annoying'My eyes turn red and throne vines come out of the ground and rap around his mouth.
"You're annoying and you talk to loud..."I couldn't think of any other way to make him quit.
"I like you already,I'm ruka."the girl known as Ruka had Honey blonde hair that was wavy.
"Your very cute!Nice to meet you Lumina I'm ichijo."Next was a guy with sunshine blonde hair like the other guy but he wasn't annoying and he had green eyes.
"His name is  Shiki and I'm Rima,do you want some pocky?"
Shiki holds up a box of Pocky.He had Burgundy hair.I nod and take one and the girl with dark brown hair(?) Smiled at me.
"I'm Kain,hey do have other ways to make Aidou shut up because if you do teach me."I giggle at his comment.
He had Pretty orange hair.
I picked up on someone's scent.
"Hi Zero-chan!!!"zero waves at me as he walks over with yuki but I caught wind of another scent.It was a level E!
"Zero,yuki!!!watch out!!!!"

To be continued~
[A/n-Cliffhanger!Hey guys what do you think about Lumina!?isn't she cute!I hope you like this chapter.
Don't forget to comment on the story if you have any questions or you just wanna talk!
Ja Mata ne!]


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