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[A/n-Slight Lemon,blood sucking,Masturbation,Jealously]

|M/n pov|
I woke up and looked around the room.I noticed that Shiki was still sleep on my chest.
'He so cute....'I give him a peck on his forehead and he wakes up.
"Morning M/n-Chan"He pushes his face into my chest.
"..still sleepy?"He nods.
I moved my leg the wrong way.
"Ngh~M-move your leg please..."
I froze from a moment but snapped out of it and sat up while Shiki was still against my chest.
"Night day student get to sleep in today you know?"I nod while pulling a book off the night stand and started reading.

"...M/n m-may  I have some of your blood?"I found that off,he's never asked for blood from me,so I put my book back down.
"Yes.."I close my eyes as Shiki unbuttoned the first 4 button and pushes the collar aside.
He bites down on my neck but it didn't hurt,it gave me a feeling of pleasure.
"Shiki..."he pulled away getting ready to clean his face but I stopped him.
"What's wrong."I tilt his head up and lick his ear.
"Ah~"smirking against his ear as I felt him member harden.It felt like something inside me changed,one hand started moving under his shirt.
He arches his back as my cold fingers run over his Perky buds and my other hand travels to his lower half.Shiki take in a sharp breath as I nibble and suck on his neck and before I could bite down,He stops me.
"M-M/n w-we should...stop."Shiki faces was painted with red.
Regaining my composure as I pulled my hands away.
"Sorry...M/n...Please don't be angry that I stopped you.."I fix his clothes and be gets up.
"I'll go back to my room."Shiki bolts out of my room.

|Kaname pov|
'I feel ashamed of myself right now....'
I looked at myself in the mirror,i stole one of M/n F/n sweaters and it was quite big on me and not only that I have nothing else on.It smells like him....
I could see red spread across my face.
I've dreamed about sleeping next to him..I sighed softly feeling myself harden at the memories from my dream.walking over to my bed I lay down staring at the ceiling.
"I wounder how he would feel if he knew I had on of his sweaters...."
My right hand slides down to Manhood and I pump myself at a slow rate.
"Ahh~"His smell was intoxicating and I began to rub my Nipple with my other hand.I started stroking my Manhood faster and the knot in my stomach grew tighter and i couldn't hold back.

"M-m/n!"I realised saying his name.
My body shook in pleasure.
"This is not a healthy obsession..."
I got up and walked to my bathroom to wash the Thick white fluid from my hand.I grabbed a pair of my underwear and put them on before walking back to my bed.
'I need the real thing...the scent alone won't do..only if he knew..'I smiled to myself.Then someone knocked on my door.
"Who is it?"


"What do you want?"I said bluntly.
I hear him sigh and knowing him he found out I stole another on of M/n sweaters.
"I know you have it.Instead of stealing them,try asking him for it knowing him he wouldn't say no."I pouted knowing it was true but when you are in my shoes you tend to do some crazy shit now and again.
"Next time I will."

|Ichijo pov|
Walking away from lord Kaname's room,I had the feeling bubbling in side me.The only reason every male around M/n is acting off is because he's an alpha and it that time of the month.I feel it body burns and I feel that I'll lose control if I get to close to him.
I didn't notice that I was walking by his room until a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me into the room.
"M/n-San! What are you-"I was cut off when his fangs pierce my neck.
I gripped the wall I was pinned to.
M/n had his knee between my legs and with every small movement he made I felt his knee rub my manhood.
"M/-Ahh!D-don't move your knee please..."

"Like this?"he moves his knee around making me moan.
"F-Fuck.."it felt like he was going to suck me dry!
"M/n,that's enough I'm feeling weak..."I could hear him drinking my blood.
"M/n..."I placed a hand on him should and he stops and pulls away.
"Sorry"He picks me up and lays me on his bed.M/n placed a band aid on my neck.
"Thank you"I smiled kindly before falling asleep dew to blood loss.

|Zero pov|
I was on patrol and I was bored so I decided to visit M/n.The door was unlocked but I didn't think much of it and walked in.
"What are you doing here zero?"
Kain was now walking down the stairs.
"I'm looking for M/n,where is he?"

"I'll go get him."I nod and disappeared around the corner.3 minutes passed and kain reappear's with M/n.
"Hey!"M/n smiles and jumps down the stairs where I was standing.
"I came to see how your doing."

"Fine."he said patting my head like he normally does.
"Come on let's go for a walk."M/n nods and grabs my hand leading me out side.
"So Is everyone treating nice?"
He nods and I notice that he's still holding my hand.
'His hands are so big...I wounder what it would feel like to have him run his hands around my body...wait holy shit  w-what am I thinking!?My body feels hot,what going on with me.'
"Zero?"I jumped at him deep voice.
"I'm's nice tonight..."we walk through the rose garden looking up at the moon.I stopped walking and tugged on his sleeve.
"??"he tilts his head and I stand on my tippy toes putting our lips together.
M/n snakes his arm around my waist.
'This feels so good...but I want more!'
I pulled back and ran away from M/n.
As I was running I got hit with a shard of ice.
"How dare you kiss my M/n!"Aidou yelled as the air surrounding us grew Cold.'shit that hurt.'
"Filth like you,aren't meant to touch the alpha!"Aidou's eyes where red.
"Jealous little brat~"

"It's best not to provoke him Zero,you know how Aidou is about the alpha.."
Toga came out of nowhere and was aiming his gun at Aidou.That had no affect on Him however.
Flames flew past Toga and now Kain was standing not to far away.
"Aidou if you hurt Zero you'll make M/n if you really care for him return back to the house."
'Thank god...he came things where going to get ugly'
Aidou frowns and walks away.
"Later.."Kain follows after him and they disappear around the corner.
"You need to go to your room now."

"Why should I listen to you?"
Toga looks at me and sighed.
"Your in heat like the others and it's not safe because if any other vampire smell the aroma coming from you...well."I got the message and we walked away acting like nothing happened.

|No ones pov|
As the two walk away the never noticed the new comer hiding in the behind the tree.
"M/'s been so long since I've seen him..will he remember me?"
The person said to another.
"Will find out soon...very soon"

To be continued~
[A/n:I hope you lovely's enjoyed.Don't forget to comment on the story if you have any questions or you just wanna talk.Ja Mata ne!!!!!]


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