Z.Hera's POV
"Hera?" I heard Jang Hal calling me. "Hm?" I said. She laughs and that made me look at her. "Did you miss oppa already?" What?... Wait, is she imatating him? "Silly." I said to her and just look at the way I'm driving. She chuckled and poked my shoulder. I look at her.She winks at me. My jaw fell and my brows furrowed. "What was that for?" I asked her with a slight laugh coming out of me. She laughs before aswering "Did you miss oppa already?" She said and winks. I shook my head, chuckling at her imitating him. She then said "To be honest...", and looks like she is serious this time. "You two look cute together." She said, serious. My eyes went big when I heard what she said. "What??" I asked with disbelief. She nodded saying that it's true. I put my bored eyes on her, and to the road.
She smirked. "Anyway... Why is Baekhyun-oppa with you this morning?" She asked, wanting to dig up why. I look at her, and sighed before answering "Remember yesterday?" I asked her, she nodded, giving me a gaze that says 'Go on'. 'What is a bestfriend when you don't talk about guys?' Jang Hal sure is my bestfriend. "After I sent you off, I went to a convenience store... it was when three guys blocked my way." I said, looking at the way I'm driving. I added. "And they're pervs." I sighed. "Omo, Did you beat them up?" She asked, anxiety in her voice. I shook my head. "Not really... They're three of them. How could I?" I said and sighed. Just imagine if Baek isn't there. No! Don't imagine it.
"What do you mean by not really? And what does this connects to Baek-oppa?" She asked, not even worried about me, and I don't need that. I can already sense her brows being furrowed by her question. I smiled, remembering that moment. "This has something to connect to him, alright? Just hear me out." I said and continued. "So, uhm, He... saved me." I told her, fighting a smile. Why would I smile?... I don't know so I'm fighting it. I then heard her ask "How did he? Why is he there?... Oh nevermind, just get on why you two are together this morning." She said and I silently sighed, relieved that she left questions. (Then Jang Hal smirked.) "If you two are together last night, and together the next morning... Hera what does this means?!" She asked excitedly, and my eyes were wide again.
I was too stunned to answer her dirty question. Nothing happened, but her question put scenarios in my mind. Stop! What am I thinking?! I heard her gasp. "Hera, you're blushing!" She said and laughed. I checked myself by putting the rear view mirror facing me. I'm blushing. Why am I blushing?? I glared at the girl beside me who is laughing hard. "Do you want me to continue or not?" I asked her. She smiled, satisfied of making me annoyed. "Continue." She said and chuckled. I put my gaze back to the road.
"He knows how to do a kick, so he easily made the boys run." I said and chuckled. (There are wrong kicks, okay?) I gulped and added "He... ended up accompanying me to my house." I said. "So you guys did join a night?!" She asked. "What? No we didn't!" I answered, telling her the truth. I glared at her. "We. did. not. Aigoo, clean your mind, it's so dirty. Geez." I said, still glaring at her. "I know... but what happened?" She said. I look at the road again, and sighed, then smiled. "The next day, I found him sleeping on my couch." I continued and smiled, remembering his face... It's because he's pretty, no more reasons. "What?" She asked, confused. "Why would he do that? If he's going to sleep in your house, then you should have shared... Hehe, I'm just kidding. So again, why would he do that? Is he your appa to guard you overnight?" She joked, chuckling, but still leaving the questions for me to answer.
"He said he left his phone in my car." I said. "And that's what to this?" She asked, saying that my answer is out of the topic. I sighed. "The car key is in my room, and he didn't want to come in my room... Don't you pull a joke from that." I said and heard a chuckle from her. "He can leave his phone though, and you'll just need to give it back to him." She said. I clicked my tongue two times, and said. "He can't call his driver to pick him up without his phone." I said. I saw her roll her eyes. "Then, can't he use public transportation?" She told me. "Pabo. How can he do that? If he rides a bus, all of the girls will become his tail."I said and sighed at her stupidity. She chuckled. "Oh right, I forgot." She said and added "Ne, I am stupid." She said and we chuckled. "Please understand yourself." I said, joining the flow. She laughed.
She then looks at me. "Anyway, is that it?" She asked me. I just nodded, don't wanna answer her questions. "No cute scenes?" She asked, a smirk on her lips. I furrowed my brows. "Cute scenes? Jang Hal-ah, stop it 'cause there isn't. Haha" I answered. Cute scenes, what is she talking about?
Cute scenes?
Like the thing that happened in the lift... or when he borrowed oppa's clothes, half naked?... Or even worse, when he slipped and had me under him in bed. Under him in bed literally, n-not that one. My heartbeats raising as I figure out what Jang Hal is saying... But it's not cute, it's awkward. And why would it be cute?? (Awkward moments are cute, trust me.)
I then heard Jang Hal speak again. "Waeyo? Are there "cute" scenes?" She asked with her two fingers quoting the cute word. "It'snotcutethough." I said without any pause. "There is?? Tell me!" She said with excitement. "Cute scenes?" I asked myself but letting her hear, smirking as I heard her squeal. "Tell me!" She said, I chuckled.
"I didn't saw anything!" I said and chuckled. This coversation is getting fun. "Why??" She asked with a chuckle. I grit my teeth at her, but nonetheless chuckled. "Okay. So he was behind the door. He only has his head out, that means that's the only thing I can see. Aigoo." I said the truth. "Aww! It would be nice to... Hahaha." She said, and I roll my eyes at her statement. She added "Then... you still saw his wet look?" She asked. I didn't answer... you know the answer. She squeals, I just chuckled. "I'm really envious of you! Aish, I hope I was you that time!.. Hehe, But if that happened, I don't know what could have happened." She said and laughed. I look at her, mouth agape. "Yah, You d-dirty mouth." I said, goosebumps running on my skin as of what she said. "Mianhe. Haha, Just thank God, I'm not you." She said, 'causing me to chuckle.
"But... why would this have happened to you? Duhh, I'm here!" She said, and I laughed by that. "Silly." I told her.
Jang Hal looks at me, suspiciously. I furrowed my brows at her gaze. "Hera... do you like Baek-oppa?" She ask me, making my eyes wide... Do I like him?
So that's it, even though this chapter is full of the cousins' conversation, we girls know we can't hide experience from our bestfriend, especially when it comes to boys.COMMENT --- VOTE --- FOLLOW

That Scene | 백헤라
FanfictionHighest Rank in Fan Fiction: #236 on 9/15/17 Things got awkward after that scene... But why would it be awkward? Would it be okay to fall for the impossible? UNPUBLISHED (04012018) Drafts published and Discontinued (10192018)