Z.Hera's POV
*Ring ring* I heard my phone ringing, and quickly accept the call as it's Jang Hal who's calling. "Oh, Jang Hal-ah?" I asked, and hung the phone on my ear with my shoulder. "Hera-yah! (Screams)" She end up screaming. I pull out the phone with my hand, and put it near my mouth, as I still hear her screaming, I dont wanna be deaf.Anyway Baekhyun-oppa is sleeping. "Yah! Why are you screaming?!" I asked in an annoyed tone. "Hera, the EXO is here." She answered. 'What?! EXO!? .. Wae?' These questions were on my head. "Jang Hal-ah, where are you?" I asked. "Uhmm.. I'm still here in the set. We managers had a meeting." She answered. "Ahh.. Okay, I'll go there. Bye." I reminded her, "Bye." She replies, and I ended the call.
I press the go pedal, with my feet. I wanna see how Jang Hal reacts, when she saw her bias. kekeke
"B- b- Baekhyun?" Jang Hal asked, as the script writer announce the cast of the drama. I'm hiding my laugh, by biting my lips. "Yes. Why?" The script writer asked her. "N- nothing." Jang Hal answers. I'm still hiding my laughter.
I enter the dressing room, that the director assigned me to. Jang Hal screams. I burst my laughter. "Yah! Stop it already. A Twenty year old girl, still fangirling over EXO." I said. She gave me a look that can kill, before saying "Wae? Is it bad?" She asked, her voice angry. I chuckled. "Yeah yeah. You'll say that EXO is also on their 20's." I said. I chuckled and apologized. "Okay.. Mianhe Jang Hal-ah." I just know that she doesnt want me teasing EXO. She's so crazy over Sehun.
Were now parking the car here at the set. I unlocked my seatbelt. I look at Baekhyun-oppa who is on his deep sleep. (Its real this time) I smiled at the view. He moves his body, to a different position to make his sleep more comfy, that make me look away, just incase he would be awake.
Gaining myself back together. I get my phone, and call Jang Hal. She answered after 3 seconds. "Ppali Hera-yah!" She said in a very excited tone. I chuckled "De, were already here." I said. "Were? .. Ah yeah, I forgot.. you two had your date. keke" She teased. "Yah! Its not a date." I denied, and look at the guy beside me, who is still sleeping. "Then what do you call it?" She teased. "Uhmm.. Dinner, I guess." I shyly answer. It's just a dinner, if it's a date.. its just a friendly date. "Hmm. You really need alot to learn in the dating area." She added. "Aish.. lets talk in person. Bye." I said, and hear her say "Bye" aswell. I end our call.
Play the song above, and stop when you saw this %%%
I look at Baekhyun-oppa again. How can I go out? Should I leave him here? Should I wake him up? I dont know. I rub my temples. 'I think I should wake him up. Aish.. should I? Aigoo..' I really dont know what to do. You know that its impolite to wake someone, specially when they're in their deep sleep. 'Aigoo.. Otuke?'
(3 min. later)
Aish.. I really think I should wake him up. I look at the clock on the tablet. Aish.. I wasted 3 minutes doing nothing. I think I should wake him up.. Okay I'll do this. I gently shake him, with his shoulder and said "Uhmm.. Baekhyun-o-o.." I closed my eyes, and bite my lips, and said "Baekhyun-oppa..wake up.. uhm.. were here." I said. 'Tug tug tug'
I then open my eyes, and saw a smile on his face 'Tug tug tug'. His eyes opened, meeting mine. I felt my cheeks became red, so I hide it and avoid his gaze at the same time. I unhold his shoulder. "Uhmm.. K- k Kaja." I said, and open my door. I go to the other front of the car, because its directing to the entrance. He opens his door. "Why are we here?" He asks, while rubbing his eyes. "Ah.. Manager Ji said that EXO is here." I answered. I saw how his face shocked.
Baekhyun's POV
"Manager Ji said that EXO is here." She answers. I was shocked. 'No, this is not good. I'm sure they're just here to tease me.' I saw how her face was curious. Although she's not asking anything, I'm sure she's asking 'Why?', so I answered her. "He.. It's just that.. I'm sure they're just going to.." I started, and didn't continue 'Wait. I cant tell her that I'm being teased with her.' I thought. She has her looks more puzzled. "Uhmm.. they'll just mess here.. hehe" I lied, uhmm, no thats not a lie, thats a fact, hehe. She just nodded.She walks heading to the set. I followed. She is walking ahead of me. A smile plastered on my face, because I woke up by her calling me oppa.
"Baekhyun-oppa.. wake up.. uhm.. were here." She said, (closed eyes), while gently shaking my shoulder. I slowly open my eyes, and saw her closed eyes. A smile is now on my face. She opens her eyes, and meeting my gaze. I saw her cheeks start to be red, and avoid my gaze by looking at her front. And that made my smile into a smirk.
I'm just watching her back, with this smile. Until were there. I saw how they (EXO) smirk at me. I'm right that they're just here to tease me. Their not all here, it's just Chanyeol, Kai, Suho, Sehun, and Xiumin.
I heaved a sigh when I saw their smirks. This so freaking bad. As I walk towards them, I am so pissed off over their faces and smirks. Just Why are they fucking here?! "Hi Hera!" Sehun greeted Hera energetically, with a wave. My face became grumpy, as I saw how Sehun smiles at Hera. Hera bows 90' as a reply to Sehun, and Sehun is still smiling at her. I'm shooting Sehun a glare. I heard Chanyeol chuckled, which is beside me. "Baekhyunnie dont be jealous. I'm sure Hera will choose you." He whispers. I look at him, who is hiding his laughter.
"Anyway, why are you guys here?" Manager Ji asked them, good she did. As normal Suho is the one who answered "Uhmm.. Were here to discuss about.." He said, and clicks in his fingers as he thinks. "About.. (Suho scratches his nape)Uhmm.. actually we went to a cafe near by.. and since Baek is still not home.. we thought to stop by." Suho said. I'm sure they first thought of stopping by, than going to the cafe. They're so dead.. but I'll be dead first.
Hi.. so I'm going to make this book a 2 days per Chapter upload. Its just I dont have the time to rest. Mianhe if you dont like that. Peace..COMMENT --- VOTE --- FOLLOW

That Scene | 백헤라
FanfictionHighest Rank in Fan Fiction: #236 on 9/15/17 Things got awkward after that scene... But why would it be awkward? Would it be okay to fall for the impossible? UNPUBLISHED (04012018) Drafts published and Discontinued (10192018)