Highest Rank in Fan Fiction: #236 on 9/15/17
Things got awkward after that scene...
But why would it be awkward?
Would it be okay to fall for the impossible?
UNPUBLISHED (04012018)
Drafts published and Discontinued (10192018)
Hera's POV "Oh.. then Hera, you can call me oppa." Sehun said. 'What?' I furrowed my brows, and when Sehun saw my expression, he smiled and move to Baekhyun's side. "Joke. I vote for Baekhyun-hyung though." He said. Baekhyun hits Sehun's head's back. "Ouch!" He exclamed. I tilt my head to avoid facing the guys, as I felt my cheeks red. 'Geez.. This will not turn out well.' I thought.
We continued walking. It's just why do they had to choose me, when I also don't know this place. I heaved a sigh. I saw Suho turn around, as he, Kai, and Chanyeol are steps forward, than us. (Hera, Baekhyun, Sehun, and Xiumin)
"Oh.. Hera, where should we go?" Suho asks. I looked at him, with a blank expression, as I don't know aswell. I'm not going around the set, as it's kinda creepy.. it's a historical place, you know. "Uhmm.. I- I don't know." I said, and rub my nape smoothly. "Uhmm.. We understand. I think you guys are not allowed to move that freely here in the set?" He asks. I nodded, and as I say this place is creepy. Suho turns around, and walked. "Oh.. Anyway, Hera I don't think that, this is our first time meeting. Isn't it?" Chanyeol asked, and turns around.
My face was confused of what what he said. 'Is it?' I asked, myself. I thought aswell, where did I met this guys? I'm recalling of where. "Uhmm.. Is it.. perhaps MAMA?" I asked. He moved his eyeballs above. I guess he's recalling aswell. "Oh.. Kurae. (Oh.. yeah right.)" He answered. "So you're the girl wearing the red dress, aren't you?" Xiumin joins the conversation. I tilt my head, to face them, and nodded. "Oh.." Xiumin expressed, and his face is having the 'Oh' face aswell.
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Baekhyun-oppa who is beside me, smiles childishly. "Then.. you're going to be in MAMA this year, right?" Baekhyun-oppa asks, energetically. "I don't think so.. MAMA chooses different artist every year.. so I guess no." I answered (Well.. ehem, what happened in 2016's MAMA kekeke). I saw how his face change fron happy to devestated. He pouts. Unconciously, a smile was formed in my lips, shooting it to Baek-oppa, who is facing down cutely. Wait what?! I felt little shivers on my spine, and I raised my head.
I saw Xiumin looking at me, with his cheeks all bubbled. Laughter can be saw in his face, and locked in his cheeks. 'Oh my god! I think he saw me smiling to Baek-oppa. Oh no.' I thought and faced my front, avoiding them. "Nice smile you got there Hera." Xiumin teased. 'Oh no'
I bite my lips, and don't mind Minseok. I saw Baekhyun-oppa raise his head, and face Xiumin. "Hmm?" Baekhyun asked. 'Shit! I'm dead..' I cursed. I felt my heart beat faster, as I'm so scared of.. Wait. Why would I be afraid? But... Please please please, don't tell Baek-oppa what you saw. I can still feel my heart beating wildly. "Aniyeyo.." Xiumin answered, and smiled at Baekhyun. My heart is still beating rapidly.. Why did I smiled at him? (Because.. <3) Aigoo~ But, I'm thankful to Minseok that he didn't spill it out. "I think it's the same." Xiumin commented, that made me tilt my head to him.. or them.
My eyes are asking Xiumin 'What's the same?'. Xiumin faced his front, and just smirked sarcastically. I saw Baekhyun-oppa rotates his head to face me, but I'm fast to face my front, avoiding his gaze. I sighed, as I felt my chest lighter, and my heartbeat is back on it's normal speed. I know Baekhyun-oppa is still looking at me, that made me look to him aswell. I know he's looking, but I don't know he's smiling. When he saw me shocked, by his gaze, his smile became sweeter. 'Tug tug tug' the heartbeats. Every second that's passing his smile is getting sweeter, and my heart is being abnormal again. (Everything's normal)
I slowly tilt my head, to face the front slowly, so he wouldn't find it awkward. "So Hera.. do you know this place." Suho asks me. I took time, to observe where we are. "Ah.. It's the place for some open area scenes." I answered. It's the place where the Wang brothers devide theirselves into two, and fight with Jisoo-oppa and Baek-oppa being carried.
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"Hmm.." They muttured, and Baekhyun-oppa nodded when he remembered.
We moved, and had explored the place. I checked my phone.. it was already 11:24pm. It's super late. I shut my phone off. I didn't know that Baek -oppa also saw the time on my phone. "Hmm.. It's late." He murmured. I looked at him. He looks at Suho, and said "Junmyeon-hyung!" He calls Suho. I throw my attention to Suho aswell. "Oh.. wae?" Suho asked, and walked closer to me and Baek-oppa. "Uhmm.. Hyung it's already late." Baekhyun-oppa said, pointing his watch.
Baekhyun's POV Hera needs to go home already. "Oh right.." Suho-hyung said, but he didn't seem to get why I'm reminding the time. I raise my brow 2 times, and when he saw it, I point my eyeball to Hera. "Ah.." He exclames, and nods. Good, that he gets the idea.
"Uhmm.. Hera-yah, I think you-- no I mean we, should go home already." Suho said. I looked at Hera, who is looking at Suho. Hera nods agreeing to Suho. The stupid smile is back on my lips again. Suho turns around and call the others. Hera tilts her head, she smiled a little to me. 'Tug tug tug'. She looks on her front again, before saying "Kansamnida.. oppa."
A/N Anyeong reader-nims! So I want to thank you guys for making this book reack 3k, even though it's been days. KANSAMNIDA SARANGHAE reader-nims.