Highest Rank in Fan Fiction: #236 on 9/15/17
Things got awkward after that scene...
But why would it be awkward?
Would it be okay to fall for the impossible?
UNPUBLISHED (04012018)
Drafts published and Discontinued (10192018)
Z.Hera's POV I get my phone out of my pocket, and immedietly call Jang Hal. I walked a little bit from them to get some privacy.. 'cause I'm going to tease this girl. After three rings, she answers "Hera-yah, do you know what time it is already?!" She scolded. I just giggled, because she's going to be dead, when she hears the news. "Yes, and I'm sorry." I apologized. It is late, as 15 more minutes and it's already 12.. am. "Oh.. Where are you? You know you keep me waiting for about an hour now." Jang Hal replied. "Ah.. *fake cough* Come here." I commanded, and I'm hiding my sarcasm as possible. "Huh?" She asked. "Were not going to take the car. The boys wanted to drive 'us' home." I answered, and curled the word 'us'. She suddenly became silent. I'm biting my lips, but the side of it is lifting on it's own, because I'm sure she's already dead.
"Were here at the parking lot... Ppali!" I informed her. "I'll be there!" She said in a very hyped voice. I ended the call, and chuckled. I turn around and go to them. They were all looking at me. "What did she say?" Suho asks, and that's obviously what the others' also wants to know. "Hmm?... Oh, Jang Hal said she'll be here for a while." I answered, and Suho nodded.
'If I'll leave my car here... I'll tell Manager Ji to drive me tomorrow. Hmm.. kurae (right) Tyohat would work.' I thought, and that made me satisfied. And now were currently waiting for Jang Hal. Silent is around us.
"Hera!" Someone called my name, and I smirked when I 100% know who it is. I turn around to look at it's owner... Jang Hal. 'You're one dead girl.' I thought as Jang Hal is now walking closer to me. I hide my smirk, because I don't want to be called as a weirdo. "Your manager?" Kai asks, and I looked at him. I nodded. Kai nods as he was answered. "Hi..?" Sehun greets her, and at the same time was asking for her name. "J-j Jang Hal" She stuttered. I looked down, and bite my lips and stop the urge to laugh. I looked up again, without me biting my lips. I turn my face to Jang Hal, who is beside me, and I saw her face all red. I chortled at how she is being.
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EXO's car. They do have alot of space.
"Should we go?" Suho asks. I just nodded slightly, while the others nodded aswell. Suho opens the door for the passengers' seat, and took his phone out. Suho calls someone "Hyung-nim, were here at the car already." Suho said to the other line. He's obviously talking to their driver.
Kai blocks whoever was about to go inside. "Huh?" I ask, but I think he didn't heard. "Chakkeman... (Wait...)" Kai said, with both of his hands raised up, saying 'wait'. "Huh? Waeo?" Chanyeol asks. Kai didn't answer, but just entered the car. "What are you doing? You told us to wait though." Chanyeol said. "Aish.." Kai exclamed as he exits the car, with a bag. "Ah.. right." Chanyeol expressed, once he saw Kai.
"Mwoyeyo-nikka? (What's that about?)" Baekhyun-oppa asks Kai. "Clothes?" Kai answered. "Ah.. Eodi chiman-nika? (But where?)" Baekhyun-oppa asks. Kai is right that they must change, because they're wet, but where? 'Geez..'
Kai's eyes blinked thinking of 'where?'. Sehun took the bag, and say "Inside". Chanyeol, Kai, and Baek-oppa's eyes were on Sehun. "Are you serious?" Chanyeol asks. Sehun nods, and went inside. "B- b but.." Baek-oppa muttered. "Uhmm... Hera-yah, let's talk for a bit." Manager Ji invited. I looked at her, as the conclusion was just entering my mind, and when it sinked in "A- ah, de" I said, and nods. "Kaja!" Jang Hal said and hold my hand, and walk away from them. The dressing rooms are now locked, so they can't use it.
Jang Hal and I walked over the open area (Parking lot), and were sure that when we turn around we won't see the guys' car. "Anyway... How was the date?" Jang Hal asked, while swaying our hands. I huffed and said "Tss.. it's not a date, okay?" I started. Jang Hal rolled her eyes at my answer. "It's obviously a date Hera.. did you saw what Baek wears?" She added. "It's not a date.. it's uhmm.. a dinner I guess." I answered back. "A dinner date." She said. I rolled my eyes, and a sigh came out of my mouth. "So.. where did you guys d-(ate)..hehe... guys ate?" Jang Hal asked.
I looked at her, as I recall where we ate. "Wah.. The place is so.." I said, and think of a word to suit it's beauty. "Refreshing." I finished. "Refreshing? Did he take you to some beverage store?" She asked in disbelief. I chuckled and "What beverage store you're talking about?" I said, and continue. "Refreshment.. as if wow." I just can't find the words to the describe the place. "Huh? Yah! Explain it clearly, okay?" Jang hal requests. "It's refreshing because.. *sighs* I saw the night of Seoul." I answered. "Wait, wait, wait. You saw the night of Seoul? You mean you were somewhere uphigh? Did he take you to some tower?" She questioned sarcastically. I face-palmed myself at how she's being. "Aish.. We ate on some rooftop resto, and it's.. Daebak.." I explained.
"Rooftop resto? Jinja? (Seriously?) Heol.. you made me even more envious." She commented. "And their food is a killer." I added. "Aish.. Stop making me more envious!" Jang Hal said. I chuckled.
My phone rang. I remember that Baek-oppa add his contact here. Aigoo~ Silly oppa. I took my phone out. I chuckled when I saw his picture on my phone.. How come he's pretty.
I answered the phone. "Soondeok-ah, let's go." The familiar voice informed. "De.." I said, as I ended the call. But before I end the call I heard little voices, which obviously are his co-members'. They're obviously teasing him again.
A/N Okay.. So it's good that summer is already coming and I guess I would have time, but watching kdramas is one of those time. Anyeong.