Highest Rank in Fan Fiction: #236 on 9/15/17
Things got awkward after that scene...
But why would it be awkward?
Would it be okay to fall for the impossible?
UNPUBLISHED (04012018)
Drafts published and Discontinued (10192018)
Baekhyun's POV I just finished calling Hera. I glare at the boys. "The smell is in his hand." Chanyeol said. "Really Chanyeol-hyung?" Kai asks Chanyeol. Chanyeol nodded. "Where did you drink?" Suho who is sitting on the front seat, asks. "Aish.." I exclamed. Suho is still looking at me, still waiting for my answer.
I sighed. "You know Jung Hyuk right?" I asked Suho. He looks up to recall who's Jung Hyuk (The owner of the restaurant) Suho looks at me again and I think he remembered. "Your colleague?" Suho said. I nodded "In his restaurant." I answered. "Oh right.. He's the owner of the Resto On TOP, right?" Suho asks. I nodded. "Did you come there alone?" Chanyeol asks, in a teasing tone. I gulped.
Xiumin chuckled at my reaction. "No wonder you and Hera came at the same time." Xiumin said and laughs were heard. "So.. you guys date?" Sehun asks. I looked down, as I don't have anything to answer. Sehun chuckled.
"They obviously dated. Aigoo~" Kai teased, as he stands up from where he was sitting, and opened the door to head out. I rolled my eyes at his answer, but when he stands up and headed out, we were all looking at him. "Stand up." Kai said. "What?" Chanyeol asks. "Let's change seats." Kai answered. "Huh?" I asked. "Baekhyun-hyung you'll let Sehun sit beside Hera?" Kai answered, and asked. "Ofcourse not!" I blurted out. Sehun smirked "Aigoo~ I already said that I'm voting on you." Sehun said. I quickly stand up and left the car and stand beside Jongin. Chanyeol then followed. Sehun waits for Chanyeol to exit so he can exit aswell. Xiumin is waiting for all of them to leave before him. Suho has no problem as he is sitting in the front seat.
Anyway I changed into a White V-neck shirt, and a bleached jeans.
Once everyone except Suho is off car. "Let the girls sit beside the window so they wouldn't feel that awkward." Minseok said. We nodded at his idea. "I'll go first." Kai said. Kai enters the car and sitted on one of the chairs. "I'll sit with Suho." Xiumin said and walk to Suho's door. There are three seats on the front.
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It looks like sh*t, but I hope you understand their sitting arrangement. It really looks like sh*t LOL
We sitted in our own desired seats. Were currently waiting for our driver, Hera, and her Manager.
Z.Hera's POV "Hera, I want to sit beside you." Jang Hal said. "Me too. It would be awkward when I'm not beside you, you know?" I said. She just smiled, and put her arm with mine.
Were afew steps more to EXO's car. Until were infront of their car. The door opened, revealing a smiling Baekhyun. Unconciously a smile was in my lips, and it was shooting Baek-oppa. "Soondeok-ah sit here." Baekhyun-oppa invited, while tapping the unoccupied seat beside him. (Better look at the sh*tty pic above LOL) Looks like, me and Jang Hal wouldn't be sitting beside each other at the boys' sitting arangement. I looked at the girl beside me. I shrugged my shoulders. Jang Hal nodded. As I think of it.. This is actually a bad idea.
I stepped on the tiny stair support thing. "Need some help?" I looked up at the voice of Baek-oppa, he's offering his hand, the same smile on his face. I hesitated whether to take his hand, right now that his friends can see. But would it be more awkward if I didn't take his hand?
I put my hand on his. I'm avoiding his gaze, instead I'm looking at the floor, while taking steps to sit down. I sitted on the chair beside him. I smoothly take my hand off his, as I don't want his co-members to think that we have something going on. I know he's looking at me, so I look at Manager Ji who is still outside. I move my head gesturing her to come in aswell.
She comes in and stops when she looks at the back seat. I'm curious why Jang Hal stopped. I tilt my head to where she is looking at. I saw that the free seat is.. beside her so called bias (Sehun). I hold my laugh inside, but some of it spilling. 'Well.. Atleast she's more awkward than I am.' Manager Ji has no choice but to sit there.
"Junmyeon-hyung where's Ahjussi?" Sehun asks Suho. Suho turn his head to face us. "Ah.. He said he'll be right here, any moment now." Suho answered. "Hera, your manager looks young. It would be awkward to call her manager." Chanyeol said, and leaned alittle to see me through Baek-oppa. Baekhyun-oppa is also looking at me. I'm looking at Chanyeol and giving my best to avoid Baek-oppa's gaze, I just feel like I- we would be teased if they see our little interactions.
I nodded at Chanyeol's statement. "Should she introduced?" I asked. Chanyeol nods. I turn my head around to look at Jang Hal. I move my eyebrows upwards telling her to introduce. She nods.. shyly. Her face is so red. Haha, goodluck for her if she will still be alive later.
"Jang Hal-imnida. I'm Hera's manager and cousin." Jang Hal introduced. Sehun turn around to her, with a schock expression. "A manager and a cousin?" Sehun asks her. I lipbited and try not to spill my laughter. Jang Hal shyly nods answering Sehun. "Wahh.. Daebak." Sehun said as he receives Jang Hal's answer. "Hera they say you're a singer?" Xiumin asked, who is sitting on the front seat. I smiled and nodded "But for now I'm focusing on Acting instead of singing." I answered.
"Oh there's hyung." Suho said and points on the window. We looked there and saw a guy. The guy entered the car, and sitted on the driver's seat. He looks like he's on his 30's. "Sorry for waiting you guys." The man said. When he turns around he looked shocked when she saw the two of us (Jang Hal and Hera). "Oh? Who do we got here?" He asks. "Ah.. Some friends. Can we drive them home?.. and not tell SM about it?" Suho asks. The guy smiled "Yeah, sure." He answered.
We started moving. Sehun is just facing his phone, Jongin is trying to sleep, laying he's head on Sehun's shoulder. Chanyeol and Baekhyun are talking about the surroundings, and things that they can put their attention to.. they're weird. While Minseok has his head on Suho's shoulder and Suho is talking nonsense to the driver. Jang Hal is so silent in the corner Aigoo~.
A/N Hi. Who is a NCT stan here? Are you guys watching NCT LIFE? They're so funny. Tell me who's your bias in NCT. Mine's JOHNNY!! I just hope he gets more lines when they have a new song. If you don't have any bias in NCT, kindly just tell me who you found attractive.