Chapter 74: News

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Time is gonna skip a lot. I have more stories on draft so let's just finish this. LONG chapter ahead guys, an advance Christmas gift^^

3rd Person's POV
A month had passed and the show everybody is waiting had already begun, and Seung Hyuk... he was eliminated. He wiped the tear that had rolled down his cheeks, and made a smile although tears keep forming at the edge of his eyes.

He closed his luggage that has everything to remember about this show. He didn't expect big in this show so it's not that sad to leave, but having co-members that are expecting big for him, for them, that made it hard to leave.

He carries the luggage and looks at his back, and the boys were all there. "Hyung." Justin calls and sniffed, his eyes are red from crying now and on the stage. Seung Hyuk just smiled at him, lifting his tear-stained cheeks. "Justin-ah, toughen yoursel- Oof." All of them except Zheng Ting hugs Seung Hyuk, cutting his sentence.

"Hyung." Justin whimpered then Eui Woong was heard. "The people were blind. How dare they let-" Their leader was saying something they know any of them shouldn't say, and so Zheng Ting interrupted. "Woong-ah." And that is an enough warning from Zheng Ting to make the younger boy realize what he's saying is something that shouldn't be said. Seung Hyuk just chuckled and hug the three tighter. "Guys... Fighting." He cheered for them.


Finally, after three calls, he answered. "Go here." Jang Hal shortly said to Seung Hyuk on the line. Jang Hal look at her cousin who shrugged her shoulders. The two had planned to meet Seung Hyuk, and meeting here in Hera's apartment is the safest way for all of them. Hera then smiled and lay her head on the couch's arm, gazing up at the ceiling.

"What?" Seung Hyuk asks through the phone, he heard what she said, he just can't get himself together after everything.

"I'm not going to repeat it. Bye." Jang Hal said and cut the call, then she looks at Hera. Looking at free-time-Hera, an idea pop in her mind. "Shall we invite Baekhyun?" She asked her, and after a second, Hera sighed. "He's not available." Hera answered and Jang Hal understood that he's busy. Then after a few seconds of thinking, Jang Hal nodded, remembering why he's busier than busy. Exo is preparing for their comeback on July.

And despite that there's the comeback and the things that made him busy, they're not worried of the changes like some relationships have when the other is or each other are busy. And it's not like the two aren't contacting each other every free time they have through messages, calls, and even facetimes, and secondly, Baekhyun is sleeping here in the weekends anyway.

Then Jang Hal grinned and look at Hera, gonna tease her about Baekhyun sleeping here every weekend. "Hera... tell me you still have your v-card." Jang Hal said and laughed seeing Hera's reaction. She's so straightforward that Hera just can't stand being shocked by her question. In fact, Hera is not just shocked, she's quite offended. Hera scoffed at her question. "Ji Jang Hal, do you think I'm going to give it just like that? You're upsetting." Hera said and look at the side, upset about Jang Hal's question.

"I'm not cheap and easy." Hera added, her mood upside down by the question. Jang Hal noticed that Hera is not finding the situation funny so she apologized. "I'm sorry. I was just... asking." She told Hera and interlaced her fingers together. Hera look at her and sighed. "I hate you." She said and pouted slightly, earning Jang Hal's regretful gaze. It's not like she can hold a grudge for her bestfriend in a minute long. She said 'I hate you' but the two of them knows she's just using the words but not the meaning.

"Come here." Hera said and Jang Hal quickly left her seat to sit next to Hera, knowing that Hera had apologized her already. "I'm sorry." She said and Hera just hugged her. "Aigoo, you and your dirty jokes." Hera said and Jang Hal hugs her too.

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