Chapter 1:Moving

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Calyssa's POV

"Calyssa ! Bring your trunk down stairs , and Hurry up the headmaster is  expecting you  there at 6:00 !"

"Coming dad!" I shouted from inside my room.

Even then ,when I was literally minutes away from going to my new Wizardry School in the U.K  I was still dreading it , and apparently so was my cat , as she was clinging to my bed sheets for dear life as I tried to lift her off .

"I know , I don't want to leave either Artemis ,but we have to go ."

Artemis responded by meowing rather annoyingly .

"Come -on -let's -go !" I said as I struggled to pull her from my bed .

And all last I finally pulled her off and began to take her , and my trunk  down stairs . But I was stopped shortly by a loud


As , much to my dismay my older sister Selene apparated into the room .

"What are you doing here?" I said .

"I came to say goodbye, and to wish you luck at your new school ." She said ,swishing her long dark hair over her shoulder ,whilst giving me a radiant smile .

"It must be very exciting , going to Hogwarts , it's said to be the finest Wizarding school in the world ."

"Must be easy for you to say , you're staying at Home with mom and going back to Ilvermorny ." I responded in a bitter tone
"Of course mom would want her perfect daughter to stay with her ."

"Lyss you know it's not like that ." She said defensively

"It's my last year, it would be foolish to switch schools now ".

"Oh and it wouldn't be foolish to send a 14 year old girl to another continent just to go to a snobby new school , because her father got another job that pays even more money , as if we need it ." I vented

"Calyssa please ! "She protested

"It was a honor for dad to receive his new job with the ministry in the U.K , and we should be proud of him !"

"Oh of course you would say that ,little miss perfect!" I Exclaimed angrily .

"Calyssa ? Is everything all right up there ?"
Said my dad as he approached the stairs .

"Oh Hello Selene - Calyssa you didn't tell me your sister had come to visit!"

"She was -"

"I was just leaving ." She finished for me

"Oh-um alright then , say hi to your brother for me ! " said Dad .

"Bye dad ." She said serenely as she disapparated , without giving me so much as a final glance

"I really wish you two would get along better ." Said dad .

"Yeah , well I'm not the one who turned into such an uptight stick-in-the-mud ". I replied as we walked down the stairs .

He lightly chuckled to himself then quickly put on a stern face .

"Right then , you better get going sweetie, your set to get there just in time for dinner , and I hear Hogwarts feasts are legendary, so you better write me as soon as you finish eating ."

"Don't worry dad I will !" I said as I approached the fire place, we had decided to floo me in to the headmasters office there .

"Alright Calyssa , have fun , but not too much fun , or I'll be sending all 3 of your brothers after you ! He said jokingly .

"Thanks dad , goodbye!" I said as I stepped into the fire place .

Then ,with trunk in hand , and Artemis clutched in my left arm , I took some floo powder and yelled loud and clear


And in a woosh and puff of smoke I landed in a much larger fire place , in a elegant room that I wish I could've had more time to closely examine the architecture of .

But then I realized something.

It was dark outside , in fact it was very dark , so dark that it looked to be about three in the morning.

And the room ,was too , dark and abandoned.

"It must just get darker earlier in Europe"
I thought .

"Hello?" I said .

"Is anyone there ?"which was met with nothing but the sound of crickets chirping .

"I'm pretty sure I've already missed dinner "
I thought to myself.

If things were ...different : A Harry Potter FanficWhere stories live. Discover now