Chapter 8: The Goblet of Fire

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The rest of the evening went splendidly as all the Hogwarts students ate happily and got to know their guests from Beauxbattons and Durmstrang .

Calyssa chatted with Hermione and Ginny about the Tournament for most of the evening, and when Ron wasn't busy looking over at Krum , he talked to Harry and Calyssa about quidditch and was so surprised to find that Calyssa had an extensive knowledge about all the teams and their players , that their conversation dragged on even as they were walking back to the dormitories .

"Yeah , I'm just saying if the Irish want to win again next time round , they're better off doing whatever it takes to keep Lynch , they could do without Quigley, he's been slacking a bit during practice..." Calyssa trailed on

"Exactly! That Lynch sure is a great seeker ! I'm just worried about that Ryan bloke -"
Began Ron , only to be shortly interrupted by a sweet sounding voice in a French accent coming from a tall pretty girl with a sheet of shoulder length blonde hair and bright brown eyes accompanied by her friends.

"Cah-Lee-Sa?" The girl called out , only to be met by confused looks from Ron , Harry ,Hermione and Ginny , and a rather annoyed one on Calyssa's behalf .

"Cah-lee-sa ? Is zat you ? Eetz me ! Camille !"
She said as her and her friends , the pretty girl from earlier that all the boys seemed to be swooning over , and another girl with long shiny black hair , and sharp green eyes walked over to her .

"Your Zeester haz told me so much about you ! Fluer ,Daphne , this is Cah-lee-sa , my pen pal Selene's little zesster !"

"Oh , hi Camille , nice to meet you , these are my friends Ginny , Hermione, Ron , and Harry ."said Calyssa in a semi-irritated voice

"Lovely to meet you all !" Said Camille as she kissed their cheeks while smiling vibrantly .

The group soon discovered that while Camille was bright and cheery her friends seemed to be the exact opposite, as they both grew rather impatient and the dark haired one ,started speaking to Camille in rapid French irritatingly

"Well , it's been nice meeting you but we have to go ! All zee other girls are waiting in zee carriage ! Good bye!" Said Camille as her friends dragged her away .

"Well , she seems nice ." Said Hermione

"She seems nice , it's probably all an act , I bet she's just like my sister , that's why they get along so well."
Explained Calyssa .

"Why do you hate your sister so much  ?" Asked Ron .

"Ugh where do I start ,"she began irritatingly

"It's probably all got to do with the fact that ever since the age of fourteen she became an uptight prissy , perfect acting little bitch ." She stated promptly .

"Calyssa !" Exclaimed Hermione

"What ?" She said innocently as if she'd done nothing wrong .

Then Harry ,Ron ,and Ginny began to laugh at the spectacle.

"You can't seriously be mad that I used a swear word can you ?"

"I'm not , mad, per say , it's just not a word one hears in civilized conversation , and I wouldn't want a professor to overhear you and dock more points from Gryffindor ."

"Don't worry Hermione , it's not like we were going to win the house cup anyway , thanks to all of Fred and George's new joke products ."
Said Ginny , which sent the group into even more fits of laughter .

Then they all made their way back to the common room , chatting about the Tournament excitedly and laughing all the way , and as Hermione ,Ginny ,and Calyssa ascended the staircase back to the girls dormitories , Calyssa thought to herself ,

"maybe it was a good thing they sent me here."

And suddenly , like a sharp needle puncturing the perfect situation Calyssa had finally found herself in , Hermione whispered to her

"We've got to talk about what happened with McGonagall before dinner earlier ."

This was the thing Calyssa was dreading most .
That someone would discover her secret .

She was a legilimens , everyone back at Ilvermorny knew that , as it was nothing out of the ordinary, but what no one knew , no one but her family and two closest friends ( which she couldn't hide anything from ). She knew it was bound to happen at some point , but once she just hoped that she could be normal .

Few , but at least some wizards were born with the natural ability to read minds , even fewer were born with the ability to control them as well .



😂 lol bit of a  short , yet climatic chapter there , but anyway I hope you all enjoyed it !

Btw I wanted to let you guys know , that if you find any errors In my writing , (grammar ,wrong name , plot holes etc..) you're totally welcome to tell me so I can improve it ! In fact , please tell me ! All I want is to continue making this story better for you guys !

I'll be crediting people who helped me by pointing out mistakes at the ends of chapters 😊

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