Chapter 4:Harry Potter

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Harry woke up Tuesday morning to find all of his roommates crowded around the spare bed on the opposite side of the room from his , or at least it used to be the spare bed .

Because this morning the bed was occupied .
And not just by anyone, but it was occupied by a girl .

A girl with long golden hair that hung loosely off the side of the bed , and a rather small cat (that must have been hers ) was happily munching on a half-eaten stick of chicken by the side of Ron's bed .

And Dean , Seamus ,Neville ,and Ron were all crowded around this girl, who was still peacefully sleeping , and as Seamus and Dean were discussing the possible reasons that she was in their room , and what to do once she had woken up , Ron and Neville still looked utterly dumbfounded ,as if their brains couldn't quite process the information .

"Bloody hell ." Said Ron

"What do reckon it's doing here Seamus ?" Asked Dean apprehensively.

"I don't know mate , maybe it was just sleep walking and accidentally fell asleep in our dormitory?" He replied,unsure of himself.

"But she'd have to be a Gryffindor to get into the common room , and she looks like she's in our year , but we know all the girls in our year , and it's way hotter than any of them , so we know it's not one of them!" Added Dean .

"What'll happen when it wakes up? What are we supposed to do with it then ? "

"It has a name you know ." Spoke the girl with ah American accent,which surprised everyone, as she sat up in her bed ,and looked at the boys with a set of intensely vibrant blue eyes .

"Blimey its- " Began Seamus as he re-worded his sentence when the girl raised her dark eyebrows quizzically.

"I mean , your American ?"

"Yes , actually I'm a transfer student from Ilvermorny , the wizardry school in America, I came in late last night ,and I got sorted into Gryffindor, but there weren't enough beds in the 4th year girls dorm , so I had to stay with you gu-" she began to explain herself but stopped briefly to glance over at Harry , who had gotten up out of bed , and put his glasses on , before she spoke again.

"No way ! Your Harry Potter aren't you ?"
She asked .

" Umm, uhh .." Harry started to respond while still in shock she knew his name . It still amazed him that so many people knew who he was.

"The one who survived the killing curse and found the chamber of secrets !"she trailed on .

"I'm Calyssa McAllister, it's an honor to meet you ."She said while holding out her hand .

Harry reluctantly shook it whilst trying to regain enough stamina to speak to her . He was considerably nervous meeting pretty girls , and even more so when he met them in his pajamas .

"I'm ehh , well I guess you know who I am already ."He said sheepishly

"Anyway , does anyone know how to get up to the girls dormitory? " she asked whilst swishing her long golden hair over her shoulder.

"Err , not really , I mean none of us have ever been there so ...." Said Dean .

"We should ask Hermione ! She would know ."
Said Harry .

"Blimey Harry , we can't tell Hermione about this ! What's she going to think when she finds out I've got a girl in my room ?" Said Ron in a rather worried tone .

Then ,almost as if on cue there was a loud knock at the door .

"Ron ! Harry ! Open up ! It's Hermione !
McGonagall asked me to show the new transfer student around !"

All the boys just stayed glued to their spots as if none of them knew how to open a door .
Ron's face looked even more confused and worried ,As he was still in his boxers and wasn't sure rather he wanted Hermione to see him right now .

"Really ? Do I have to do everything ?" Asked Calyssa with an annoyed tone as she looked around the room at the boys .

Then she walked to the door ,opened it ,and there stood Hermione , fully dressed and frizzy haired as always .

"Hey ." Calyssa said with a neutral voice and a friendly smile on her face .

"Oh ,hello there ! I'm Hermione Granger , you'll be sharing a dorm with me , Professor McGonagall sent me to show you around and help you get around to your classes, and we better get going considering classes start in half an hour ." Said Hermione

"Cool , gimme a second to pack up and grab my cat ." Calyssa responded calmly

And with that she flicked her wand towards the bed , which then made itself , and flicked her wand towards her trunk which closed itself and flew next to Calyssa .

Calyssa then called for her cat as she held out her arms .

"Come on Artemis !" She spoke as the small cat ran away from the chicken as jumped into Calyssa's arms .

During all of this , Ron simply had his mouth hanging open in astonishment while Dean and Seamus just looked quite confunded .

"Okay ,lets go !" Said Calyssa promptly as she followed Hermione out the door .

"Umm, well then ,boys, see you both at breakfast!"Hermione called to Ron and Harry as Calyssa shut the door behind them .

"Bloody hell ." Ron repeated as he began to change in to his robes

"Blimey ! If all American girls look like her , then I'm moving to the U.S! " Said Seamus .

If things were ...different : A Harry Potter FanficWhere stories live. Discover now